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Thursday morning Stephen pulled up outside Becky's apartment in his cab he quickly payed the driver and grabbed his bags before making his way too the door. His phone had been blowing up since nxt last night the whole wrestling world was going crazy over his Wrestlemania match announcement with triple h. Some messages were wishing him luck some were from family and friends telling him to be safe and of course there was the couple troll comments which he didn't let bother him. He made his way too the door and set his suitcase down looking for the spare key Becky had issued him after a few minutes of unsuccessfully searching for it he decided to just ring the doorbell. When he got no answer the first time Stephen  reached for the doorbell again but before he could press it the door was opened and he was greeted on the other side by a shirtless Finn. "Uh finn what're you doing here so early and why're you shirtlesss" Finn released  a nervous laugh "I stayed the night lad" Stephen looked at him with a questioning look "okay but why where you staying here?" "Becky was nervous about you going to nxt last night so she wanted some company" For some reason stephen didn't quite believe  finn but before he could question him further he heard the noise  of someone rushing down the stairs Stephen and Finn looked behind finn to see Becky running towards him "STEPHEN you're home finally" before he could reply Becky ran right into his arms and wrapped him up into a tight cuddle and gave him a quick kiss. "I missed you too becks " Stephen and Becky both smiled at each other before both looked at finn who was standing awkwardly next too them scratching his head Becky looked back and  forward between both men sensing the awkwardness. "I'll grab my shirt and leave" Finn said giving the couple a quick smile before taking off . A few hours had passed since finn had left as soon as he did Stephen and Becky retreated too the sofa where they've been lying ever since under a blanket watching movies Becky like she always does found her usual position with her head on his chest while Stephen played with her hair .There had been a comfortable silence for the majority of there time there until Becky finally broke it "are you scared?" Stephen looked down at Becky who's eyes were now on him "of course I am Becky it's a big match against a legend like triple h I'd be worried if I wasn't scared or nervous but like always when I step in the ring I'm not the same person." "Just promise me you'll be safe don't do anything silly and stay away from the top of the cell" Stephen looked at Becky's pleading eyes but he just laughed off her comments "becks I'm afraid of heights unless I get a crazy rush of adrenaline I'm going nowhere near the top of that cell ." They both laughed and resumed watching the tv until Stephen finally decided to ask about Finns presence here. "So why was finn here last night becks ?" Becky instantly started fidgeting which Stephen noticed "just like he said love to keep me company I was nervous about you being near hunter that's it honestly" Stephen sighed before finally coming clean "I know what happened between you and Finn years ago becks" Becky instantly sat up and looked at Stephen shocked "who told you about that?" "Finn and me have been best friends for ten years Becky we talked about everything he told me you two had a fling in the past when me and him were touring in Japan"
Becky looked extremely upset and betrayed she did her best to hold back her anger and frustration "he had no right telling you that like he said it was just a fling in the past he didn't need to bring it back up" Stephen quickly grabbed her and wrapped his arms around her trying to calm her down "shh becks it's okay I trust you I just wanted to be sure nothing was going on I'm sorry for upsetting you" Becky regained control of her breathing and looked up at Stephen " I love you there's nothing between me and Finn anymore I promise." I believe you I'm sorry " Stephen kissed her forehead and and wrapped his arms around her again for comfort. "How about i go grab us some food  while you relax under this blanket and when I'm back you can resume your usual position using me as a pillow  ?" "Okay" Becky gave a little smile and off Stephen went as soon as he had left the room Becky's phone vibrated she had just received  a text she looked down at it and her heart sunk

Text message
Finn- you need to tell him Rebecca sooner rather than later💚

Becky just turned her phone off in time before Stephen came back. She had no idea what she was going to do.

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