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Stephen was back at the Hotel that most of the wrestlers were staying at he still wasn't keen on going for drinks but aj was right despite his feelings about the situation. He was right Stephen should go and loosen up and get too know his new colleagues he just hoped he wouldn't have to deal with more mind games with Becky all he wanted was a straight answer from her but like she said she likes to play hard to get. Stephens thinking was interrupted by a knock at the door. " hey man you ready to go taxis waiting" " yeah aj I'm good so who's all going tonight?" " Just a lot of the smackdown guys man it'll be a fun time . Just promise me something ?" Yeah man what is it ?" "No more weirdness with you and Becky remember she's" " got a boyfriend"  "yeah I know for god sake I've been told many times already let's just go" Stephen was getting really sick of being reminded of Becky's relationship. An hour after arriving Stephen was starting to feel a bit more loose  he wasn't sure  if that was him becoming more confident or if it was because  of the whiskeys aj kept buying him too help him out. Stephen decided he'd go too the bar to buy aj a drink to say thanks for the help tonight as he stood at the bar he felt a pair of hands covering his eyes "guess who?" The strong Irish accent was a giveaway but Stephen decided too have a little fun with it "judging by those manly hands it must be sheamus" Stephen turned around and not too his surprise it was Becky Lynch who playfully smacked his arm " you're very funny newbie" Stephen gazed at Becky Lynch and her outfit she looked absolutely incredible. Stephen stopped himself staring at Becky before he started drooling. "You know I'm going to start thinking you're stalking me at this rate Becky" "don't get too big headed lad I've only just arrived And  you were the first person I seen so I thought I'd come say hello before I ignore you for the rest of the night" "yeah I get it not in the inner circle it's fine I actually wanted to speak too you about that" " oh really what's on your mine newbie" " I just wanted to let you know Becky that it's fine if you don't want  me in your inner circle I understand after all the troubles you went through with someone you considered to be a best friend and like family I'd be feeling and acting the same if it happened between me and finn no hard feelings between us but if you ever need a friend or someone to speak too I'm always here" Stephen  smiles at Becky who's looking shocked at him and as she opens her mouth to speak he interrupts her " it's okay honestly you don't need to say anything I get it  enjoy the rest of your night" Stephen walks off with ajs drinks leaving Becky still stood shocked at what just happened she wasn't sure how to feel about it she wasn't  sure how she was feeling about Stephen in general she'd barely let her guard down but was the man catching feelings for wwe's newest talent ?

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