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Becky was sat on the edge of her and Stephens hotel room bed they were in New York for raw tonight. It was early in the morning and Stephen was still fast asleep Becky still hadn't responded too the texts finn sent her he had blew her phone up over the weekend but she tried her best to just ignore it she really didn't want to deal with this she didn't want to upset Stephen. Her phone lit up and she looked down at the latest message finn had sent her

Text message
Finn- Becky please reply you're not alone in this I'll come with you to tell him it'll all be okay I promise💚

Becky thought about replying but before she could she felt Stephens  muscular arms being wrapped around her waist she felt his breath on her neck as he sat behind her and she  felt like she was going  too melt when he planted soft kisses down her neck. She just knew he was going to be so upset when she finally plucked up the courage to tell him what was going on . "Good morning love" Stephen groaned at Becky's comments "is it ever good waking up this early in the morning" Becky laughed at her boyfriend as he pouted and buried his face into her shoulder. Becky looked over her shoulder at Stephens face and for a moment she got lost in his eyes studying all the little details on his face the scar on his forehead his well groomed beard his messy morning hair Becky truly loved this man she knew she had to tell him at some point but she was just scared of his reaction she knew it was going to end well.  "Someone's popular" Stephens comments caught Becky off guard and knocked her out of her daydream "what do you mean?" "Your phones being going off constantly since last week you haven't met someone else have you?" Becky let out a slightly nervous laugh luckily Stephen didn't notice this was one of the only times she was grateful he wasn't a morning person "course not love there isn't anyone better than you is there" "well if there is I haven't met him becks " they both laughed at Stephens comments Becky really needed something to take her mind off this situation today so she decided to head too the gym with Stephen. After hours of a CrossFit workout at the gym Stephen and Becky laid on the floor completely exhausted Stephen more than Becky CrossFit was more her thing. "Remind me again why I ever agree to do CrossFit with you Lynch?" Despite her exhaustion Becky let out a loud laugh "well there are other ways to get in some cardio training Taylor" Stephen And Becky looked at each other and they both smirked before finally releasing the laughter that was building up inside them. After finally regaining there normal breathing Stephen grabbed his phone "Hey smile for the people" Becky glared at Stephen as he  took a picture of her "you're such a child you know that right?" Stephen didn't reply he just stuck his tongue out at her. "you're not posting  that right? I look grim Stephen" Becky had never seen Stephen look so  offended by a  comment "firstly this is going on my Instagram the people deserve to see your cute face and secondly you are literally stunning no matter what. Even when your face was broken and you were covered in your own blood you still looked better than any other  women I've ever saw ."  "You really know how to put a smile on my face big guy" Becky planted a quick but passionate kiss on Stephens lips. Once  they had separated there lips Stephen got up off the ground and held his hand towards her and helped pick her up "Cmon smelly we better go get our stuff for raw tonight  and you really need a shower" "hey rude" she punched his arm as they both headed back towards the hotel hand in hand. After arriving at the arena they went there separate ways they were both returning to action tonight both in tag team matches Stephen and Seth were facing lashley and Corbin while Becky was teaming with the new women's tag team champions Sasha and bayley to take on the riot squad there match hadn't been announced yet but she knew the fans would be excited to see  3/4 of the four horsewomen reunite. Becky and Charlotte were still not on speaking terms and hadn't seen each other since the rumble and Becky wanted to keep it that way. She felt the same way about Finn right now she was going to do her best to avoid him tonight and hope to god he didn't say anything to Stephen.
Becky stood at the curtain with Sasha and bayley catching up before the duo made there entrance it was going to be a surprise who there partner was Becky was just happy to finally get back in the ring. As she heard her music play the roof nearly came off the arena the fans went crazy at the sight of her with Sasha and bayley. After a fifteen minute match Becky made liv Morgan tap out and as she celebrated with Sasha and bayley she grabbed a microphone as the duo stood beside her. "I hope you were watching Ronnie cause the man is back and back too her best there is no doubt now that at wrestlemania I will be standing over your battered  and beaten body holding up my raw women's championship" the crowd cheered and Becky threw the microphone down after she did that her Sasha and bayley threw up the four fingers sending the crowd wild. As the trio made there way back they ran into Stephen and Seth who were heading out for there match she gave him a quick kiss and wished him luck. Once  he had  left Becky told Sasha and bayley she was going to go change in her locker room and off she went. As she got into her locker she saw the face she didn't want to see today "what're you doing here finn?" Finn got up from the seat and made his way towards her "Becky you've been Ignoring my texts all week talk too me please" she pushed passed him and made her way to the seat finn followed after her and sat down next too her "Finn I can't do it I can't bring myself to tell him he's going to be crushed.  This  should not  have happened finn " Becky couldn't hold the tears in any longer finn grabbed both her hands and looked her right in the eyes " I'm right here for you Rebecca you can do this you need to do this he needs to know  the longer you wait the worse it'll get" before Becky could respond they both looked behind them after hearing the door open.

Stephens pov 

"Well that was a quick match" I said to Seth as we made our way backstage we completely destroyed Corbin and lashley. "Yeah maybe when I'm done slaying the beast and you're done sending the cerebral assassin to hell i think the tag team titles are in our future" I just looked at Seth and nodded in agreement we ended up heading to catering to look for the rest of our friends but we only found bayley and Sasha. As we sat down I started to get curious finn and Becky were missing and  after the other day this couldn't just be a coincidence  "Hey Sasha where's becks ?" "Oh she said she was going to get changed in her locker room" I quickly thanked her and made my way to Becky's locker room as I stood outside the door I decided to just head in instead of knocking even if she was in the middle of changing it would  be fine I've seen her naked plenty of times I chuckled to myself. As I opened the door and headed inside  i was shocked at the sight in front of me. There I saw my best friend and my girlfriend sat together on the sofa Finn was holding both her hands they both separated and jumped up as soon as they saw me Becky had tears in her eyes. "Stephen no it's not what it looks like please" "then what the hell Is this Becky you two are hidden away from everyone all cosy and holding hands tell me if this isn't what it looks like then what the hell is this " I looked right into Becky's eyes she looked really scared she opened her mouth too reply but she stuttered and no words came out. I immediately saw red and I just went after Finn and grabbed him by his shirt collar and held him up against the wall. "You were my  best friend finn you could have any girl in the world but you go for  the only one I've ever loved how could you" I screamed in his face my eyes were filled with tears but I refused to release  them. Just then Becky came beside me and grabbed my arm tears rolling down her face "Stephen stop please. I think I'm pregnant" I immediately dropped finn and turned towards Becky completely frozen In shock.

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