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Stephen chased after Becky through the arena she slammed her locker room door in his face and locked it. Becky sat on the floor against the door trying her best to hold back the tears. "Cmon becks please let me in and explain it wasn't how it looked." "I knew I shouldn't have gotten too close too You this always seems to happen too me I fall for the wrong guy" "Becky no just let me explain" "just go Stephen" "okay but please speak too me soon" Stephen never got a response so he decided to leave with some tears running down his cheek. He went to catering to sit with Finn and Seth he filled them in on the situation they both gave him some sympathy and hoped they could work it out. Later that night back at there hotel room Becky didn't come back bayley came too the room and picked up her stuff. "How is she?" "She's upset which is understandable how could you two do this?" "Bayley Listen please it was nothing Sasha put her hand on my thigh and I jumped away and tried to leave and out of no where she fainted I just tried to stop her falling and hurting herself I wouldn't do this too Becky it's all Sasha" "Sasha is a married woman Stephen why would she do this too her best friend?" "I don't know" "I've gotta go I'll keep you updated on her" as bayley left Stephen sat on the edge of the bed on the verge of tears he couldn't lose Becky not like this not when he's done nothing wrong. To make matters worse Stephen had the rest of the live shows to work with Sasha his day couldn't get any worse if it tried. A few days later It was the last day of live events Stephen hadn't heard or seen Becky he felt like she was avoiding him the last few days. Stephen was coming through the curtain after finishing his tag match hoping it was the last he had to do with her. "Stephen wait please let me talk too you" Stephen turned to Sasha with a disinterested look on his face "why should I? So you can cause more trouble looks I've already lost Becky because of you" "I know I know I'm really sorry" "what possessed you to do that Sasha she's one of your best friends a fellow horsewomen you're married to mikaze he's a good guy for god sake what the hell came over you ??" Sasha noticed the angry tone in Stephens voice and felt bad for the troubles she's caused. "Things with him have been strained lately we don't talk as often we don't hang out anymore it's like ever since we got married the sparks gone and then all I heard from bayley Becky and Charlotte was how happy Becky was with you how you were such a great guy and all the things you do for her I guess I got a little jealous." Sasha puts her hands over her face to hide her tears. Stephen reluctantly put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry that's happened but you still shouldn't have done what you done I've lost her now." "No I'm sorry I'll talk too her I'll let her know you did nothing wrong I'm so sorry" Stephen contemplated her idea for a second before finally answering. "At least you apologised but I dunno if she'll listen too you but good luck" Stephen walks away from Sasha and heads to the locker room where Seth and Finn are waiting for him. "Dude there you are we've been waiting forever how's things with Becky?" "She won't talk too me Seth she's been avoiding me I've seen literally everyone except her the last few days I think it's over." "I know Becky lad she's been through a lot recently with guys but I know you did nothing wrong give her some time yeah?" "Yeah thanks guys." "So Taylor tonight finn and myself thought it'd be a good idea to take you out for some drinks take your mind off this business for a bit what do you say??" "I appreciate it guys but I'm not sure I'm not feeling in the mood" "we aren't taking no for an answer you need to stop beating yourself up and enjoy yourself tonight" "okay okay let's do it" Finn and Seth both cheered and high fived "be ready for eight we will meet in the lobby boys" great what could possible go wrong tonight.

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