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It was  the night after survivor series which was a hell of a show Stephen had been approached by triple h at the end who informed him that he would be debuting  on smackdown Tuesday Stephen was bummed he wouldn't be with Finn but he knew he had Aj and gallows and Anderson so it wouldn't be too bad. Another thought that's came too him was that he'd also be on the same show as Becky he wasn't sure how he felt about that he was happy but that the same time he remembered there frosty first encounter but he remembered Finns words to not take it personally so he tried his best with that. Not long after waking up Stephen got dressed and had a quick bite too eat Seth had texted him and asked him if he'd wanted to work out for a bit and Seth told him he'd introduce him to some smackdown guys to try and help him out. After making his way too the gym and meeting Seth he introduced him too sheamus and cesaro known collectively as the bar they both like Seth knew who he was and admired his work and wished him luck on smackdown. Stephen had been working out for an hour and he decided to call it a day he wanted to get home and shower and put on some fresh clothes and watch raw as he was finishing up he felt someone walk right into him he looked down onto the floor where she lay it was Becky. Looking up at Stephen Becky once again remembered to keep her guard up and glared at him "watch where you're going dummy" Becky said sounding irritated "I'm sorry despite the bright hair I didn't see you coming " Stephen held his hand out to pick her
Up Becky tried her best not smile at his cheeky comment and took his hand to get up. "Listen I feel like we got off on the wrong foot the other night at survivor series and I found out last night I'm going to be on smackdown so we are going to be seeing a lot of each other as so i figured we could start off a little better ? I'm Stephen Taylor" Stephen says extending his hand to Becky with his cheeky grin still on his face Becky thought long and hard about her response and did her best to ignore the grin " I know who you are Taylor" Becky says with a devilish grin walking straight past his hand and away from him looking back to see him watching her leave with the same grin on her face. Stephen was so dazed by Becky he didn't notice Seth approaching him and putting a hand on his shoulder. " it's too bad she's got a boyfriend buddy" Seth's words instantly knocked the wind out of Stephen. "What???" Stephen says sounding bitterly disappointed

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