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Friday morning two days before elimination chamber. Everything in the world seemed right again Stephen and Becky were back together and were staying in Becky's apartment before leaving for Houston on the Saturday. Stephen woke up in Becky's bed and noticed she wasn't there with him but he smelt something delicious being made downstairs. He got up put on a pair of shorts and slowly made his way down he saw Becky standing over the cooker in one of his shirts even in the morning she looked absolutely incredible. He slowly made his way up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waists and kissed the side of her head Becky couldn't help but smile. "Good morning to you too big guy" "good morning good looking. We really need to stop waking up this way you know I enjoy a cuddle in bed" Stephen says with a pout which is greeted by a small laugh by Becky. "I'm sorry love but I thought you deserved some breakfast" they both sat down and ate away at the food she had made them after they had finished Stephen cleaned up after them and then joined Becky on the couch with his arm around her and her legs over his she made sure to cuddle right into him. The silence was a comfortable one and they both just enjoyed each other's company. "So Becky since today is our last day off together I thought it'd be nice if we done something today besides workout." Becky looked at him with such a disgusted look she looked as if she was going too  beat him up for even suggesting that. "What's better than working out Stephen????" Stephen let out a loud laugh. "How about spending time with your boyfriend Rebecca Quinn ??" "We can hang out at the gym" "take a day off becks for me" Stephen looked at Becky with his sad  hazel eyes "okay okay fine I can't say no too those eyes" Stephens face lit up and Becky planted a quick kiss on his lips. "So what did you have in mind?" " there's a basketball game on later Lakers and the clippers how about we go too that ? "Oh my god that'd be great I barely get to wear my clippers shirt" Stephen squinted his eyes at Becky and looked confused "clippers really becks" "yes the clippers don't tell me you like the Lakers" "damn right I do and I'm going to buy a shirt when we get there and rub it in your face when we win" Stephen stuck his tongue out at her and she just laughed at his childish behaviour. A couple hours later they arrived at the staples centre Stephen had just bought a lakers jersey and was about to put it on. "Here hold this for me" Stephen said as he took off and handed Becky the shirt he had on "you're not going to just put it over your current shirt?" "God no I don't want too sweat" as Stephen took his shirt off Becky couldn't help but notice two females walking past and staring at his body when she noticed them doing this Becky put her hand on his abs. She wanted them too know that he was hers and was off limits. "Someone's protective" Stephen said with a wide grin " you saw that huh" "I felt a hole being burned in my chest Rebecca" Stephen chuckles "Well I just want them too know they can't have you" "I wouldn't be interested anyway when I've already got the best" Stephens comment made Becky blush she gave him a quick kiss and they headed off too there seats hand in hand. They were sat in the Lakers end and she was the only one with a clippers shirt this made Becky feel uncomfortable and Stephen noticed this but  he held her hand and gave it a big squeeze and promised her no one would say or do anything while he was there. She loved how protective and caring they were for one another this was one of the many things that made him different from past relationships. Halftime during the game and lakers were up by ten Stephen and Becky were shown on the big screen which received some cheers from some wrestling fans attending the game who came and asked the couple for pictures which they happily accepted. As they sat back down a drunk man behind them kept making comments towards Becky "hey red you're in the wrong section why don't you move your cute little ass over too the losers end" his comments pissed Stephen  off and he got up and turned around too the drunk man. "Hey buddy why don't you shut your mouth before I knock you out okay?" Stephen said with an angry tone Becky grabbed Stephens arm and tried to make him forget about the guy but it only made the guy comment more. "I'd like to see you try pretty boy" Stephen removed his arm from Becky's grip walked up too the man and got in his face he took the mans beer cup out of his hand drunk some of the beer and spat it back out in his face. The man went crazy and created a lot of noise and commotion which alerted security who heard the commotion once they got near the guy they could smell the alcohol from him so they grabbed him and took him away "wait it's him you should throw out he spat beer in my face" Stephen smirked and waved at the guy and received  some cheers from other fans for defending Becky He made  his way back too her. They sat down and she gave him a quick kiss "don't worry me like that again you big dope" Becky laughed "ah don't worry becks I wasn't gonna hurt him just teach him a lesson" the game finished and the clippers  won and Becky wouldn't stop rubbing it in the whole car ride home they arrived back at hers and went straight too the bedroom locked in a passionate embrace and embarked on there most passionate love making yet for the next hour. Once the couple had caught there breath they snuggled up In bed in each other's arms  and got comfortable She rested her head on his chest and wrapped her arm over his stomach and cuddled into him . "So Becky was today worth missing the gym for?" "Well despite the asshole at the game yes it was and besides I might not have gotten any weight training today but we definitely got some cardio work" Becky and Stephen both laughed and afterwards shared a quick kiss. "Thank you for these last couple months Stephen I know we haven't been together long but this is probably the happiest I've been in a while and I've got you to thank  for a lot of it." "No need to thank me becks if you're happy then I'm definitely  happy" he kissed her forehead "now we should get some sleep we've got an early flight to catch tomorrow " "you're right goodnight Stephen I love you " "I love you too becks"

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