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It was finally Tuesday and Stephen would finally be making his main roster debut today he couldn't wait to get back into the ring and get into the zone there had been too many distractions for him but his in ring debut couldn't come at a more perfect time. After yesterday's revelation at the gym Stephen thought it would be best to try and avoid Becky for a bit so there wouldn't be any trouble. He arrived at the arena for smackdown live with Aj styles but kept his head down and hidden so the fans wouldn't spot him he still didn't know what the plans for tonight where but he had received a text from triple h to meet him at his office soon as soon as he arrived so that's what he did he left his bags in the locker room and made his way there. " tonight Stephen we are throwing you in at the deep end vince is really high on you right now he wants you in the main even scene right away so tonight you are going to be aj styles mystery tag team partner against Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton" Stephen was excited he'd make his debut teaming with one of his best friends  he couldn't wait to tell aj. He shook triple h's hand and made his way too the locker room to get ready for the main event. Whilst in the locker room he noticed Becky was on tv delivering once of her great promos. He couldn't take his eyes off the tv. "Man you've got it bad" Stephen turned around to aj "I don't know what you're talking about" "don't play dumb Stephen I have never seen you looking at a woman like that ever. You know she has a boyfriend right ?" There was that sentence again knocking  the wind out of Stephen " I am aware aj yes why does everyone keep telling me that" Stephen snapped back. For the rest of night until it was time to go too the curtain Stephen focused on getting into his zone nothing else mattered right now it was time for him to do what he done best In his life and that was wrestle he heard the knock on the door it was aj. It was time they began there descent too the curtain the whole crowd had to wait all night to find out who would be aj's partner they were about to find out as Stephen waited at the curtain for his music to play he was unaware that a certain read head had her eyes on him the whole time but it was pointless he was in the zone and ready to bring the house down.

Becky's POV
i had just gotten back from delivering my promo and was curious to see who was going to try and follow me so I looked at the board for the main event it was a tag team match but Aj's partner was blank this caught my interest so I decided to hang around and catch the match as I was sat on one of the boxes aj walked by followed by the new guy Stephen Taylor I watched as he marched towards the curtain in the zone not even looking at me this is the first I'd  seen him since the gym yesterday was he avoiding me?.
*20 minutes later* Becky watched as the match was reaching its climax with Stephen and randy the legal men she watched on as Stephen delivered his finishing manoeuvre the PK and picked up the victory for his team. Becky was impressed this was the first time she'd seen him wrestle and it's took a lot to impress the man. She waited for aj and Stephen to make there way through the curtain.

Stephens POV
After shaking some fans hands me and aj made our way backstage where a lot of wrestlers there to congratulate me on the debut it still hadn't sunk in yet but I made sure it was a debut to be proud of as I was making my way too the locker room I felt someone grab my arm as I turned round and laid my eyes on the man. "Good match out there newbie almost as good as the mans promo" Becky said with her confident smirk. "Yeah thanks Becky" Stephen says as he tries to make his way back too the locker room Becky stands in front of him. " wait a minute new boy what's going on ? Just yesterday you were trying your damn hardest to be in the mans inner circle and now you're trying to get away from me like I'm a bad smell what's the deal?" Stephen looks at Becky and smirks " first off you smell great and secondly I thought you made yourself pretty clear last night about new friends. " "I like to play hard to get it helps me see who really deserves to be in my presence not just anyone gets that chance anymore I had to learn the hard way you can't trust anyone" Becky says looking as if she's fighting back tears. Just before Stephen is about too pull her into a hug he hears a voice behind him "Taylor drinks tonight to celebrate your debut?" " I dunno aj drinking and socialising hasn't been my strong point" "it'll be great dude everyone's going that includes you Becky" aj says realising the moment he's just interrupted Becky quickly dries her eyes and puts back on her brave face " the man wouldn't miss it for the world styles I'll see you boys tonight" she walks past them both smiling right at Stephen. There she was again with that too much too handle smile. "Dude what is going on between you two ?" Aj asks. "I don't know man I wish I could tell you but I'm as clueless as you"

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