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Later that day Stephen arrived at full sail with nxt already in full flow as he was entering through the parking lot he noticed the production truck where he knew triple h would be directing the show from it took everything in him to stop himself  from kicking the door down and just beating triple h up despite everything he had done too him the last few months Stephen was better than that. While walking through full sail Stephen felt his phone buzzing in his pocket he lifted it out and a smile appeared on his face at the sight of the name  calling him. "Hey becks how's la?"  "Very lonely when are you coming back?" "Soon as I'm done here tonight I'm heading right to the airport you'll have your pillow back by morning" Stephens smile grew wider just from hearing her giggle it was crazy how much she really meant too him in such a short amount of time of being together he'd do anything for her triple h's actions towards her Monday was part of the reason he was here tonight. Stephen was snapped out of his daydream after hearing What sounded like  familiar voice but he couldn't quite figure it who it was  on the other side of the phone with Becky. "Becks who's there with you?" "Uh no one no one at all. Listen I've got some errands to run I'll see you tomorrow okay bye" Before he could get in another word she was gone all Stephen  could  think about was what the hell is going on. He made his way too the curtain the production team looked at him with a confused look on there face when he told them to play his music but they obliged. The crowd went crazy soon as they heard that Familiar song playing. Stephen stood on the ramp and soaked it all in all the cheers and chants before finally making his way into the ring while shaking some fans hands. He had picked up a microphone and as he raised it to his lips he smiled as the fans broke out into a welcome home chant. "Thank you guys you know you all mean a lot to me and it's great to be home. But tonight I'm here for one reason and one man in particular Triple h I know you're here come out and talk too me like a man hunter. Just as Stephen was about to speak again triple h's music hit and he wasn't alone he stood at the top of the stage with a group of security around him. "What the hell do you think you're doing here kid wasn't the beating I gave you at elimination chamber enough what do I have to do to get through too your thick skull you're not a top star and you never will be on the main roster." The crowd booed triple h "hunter in your own words I was the best thing in nxt during my two years here no one compared to me in nxt history so are you  trying to say nxt's best can't compete on the main roster ? Cause I won't let you disrespect those guys in the back like that hunter this is nxt one of if not the best brand of sports entertainment." The crowds cheers and  support of Stephen was deafening. "The real reason why you done what you done at the rumble and the chamber is that you're jealous hunter that's all it ever comes down too with you let's have a little trip down memory lane. DX Shawn Michaels was the star so when he left you couldn't wait for the spotlight to be on you and when he returned from his near career ending back injury a few years later what did you do too your best friend?  you smashed his head through a car window cause you were scared and jealous of him taking back the spotlight. Evolution randy Orton becomes  the youngest world heavyweight champion in company history a title you failed to win back ever since losing it at mania. What do you ? Next night on raw you throw a "party" for randy and at the end of it you assault him And kick him out of the group because you're jealous of all the attention and success   he was getting" the crowd were loving this verbal assault from Stephen believing and accepting everything he was saying because it was true.  "Okay that's enough I don't need to sit here and listen too your crap security get that man out of here" Stephen dropped the microphone ready for a fight and as the security surrounded the ring entrance music that the nxt crowd never heard before played and out came vince McMahon who received thunderous cheers. "I had a feeling this might happen tonight and even though you're family hunter I'm sorry but I have to agree with Mr Taylor. You've overstepped your authority in the WWE and I won't stand for it this is still my company. So as of today and until after wrestlemania hunter you're suspended from your company position" the crowd gasped and cheered Stephen couldn't help but look smug. "Now that's not all you are hereby reinstated as an active member of the wrestling roster because at wrestlemania it will be you triple vs Stephen Taylor" the crowd went crazy triple h was incensed arguing with vince while occasionally turning around and looking at Stephens smug face. "And if you may let me finish full sail. This isn't going to be any match at wrestlemania it will be triple h vs Stephen Taylor inside HELL IN A CELL."

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