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Monday April 1st 2019

it's officially wrestlemania week the busiest week in wwe superstars life's. The nerves were definitely there for Stephen this was the biggest week of his wrestling career it was even the biggest week of his life nothing else had compared too this it was going to be his first wrestlemania match and it couldn't be bigger one on one hell in a cell against the king of kings triple h. Becky was no different she was going to be part of the first ever women's main event of Wrestlemania. On the outside she was as calm as she could be but knowing her like Stephen did he knew she was really nervous. The expectations and the weight of the match were on Becky since Ronda was still pretty much a rookie. A lot of the wwe superstars had media days meet and greets and axess to attend during the week and Stephen and Becky weren't any different Stephen had radio interviews with Sasha and bayley today and Becky was with Seth poor Finn was the only member of the group by himself. The company wanted the two challengers too the big belts together Stephen hadn't stopped pouting and complaining about it ever since he found out. "Can't me and Seth just swap ?" Stephen said whilst the couple were settling into there hotel room in New Jersey. Becky laughed "it's one day love. We've got axess and meet and greets the rest of the week together." "That's not enough" Stephens says whilst pouting. Becky came into the living room area after unpacking and sat next too Stephen she rested her head on his shoulder while using her fingers to fix a smile onto his face. "You know ever since that pregnancy scare you've been really clingy big guy. You're not still worried about me and Finn right ?" Stephen looked into Becky's eyes and kissed her forehead reassuringly "no of course not I trust you completely becks same with Finn he's been like a brother too me for ten years he looked after me in Japan I still can't believe I accused him of that" Becky got up and sat on Stephens lap and placed her hands on his cheeks while looking into his eyes. "Don't keep beating yourself up over this Stephen it was understandable the situation was messy and it could've been handled way better and I should've told you but I had no idea you'd react so positively. And like I said after we saw the test was negative we will get to experience that one day." Stephen flashed Becky a smile before she planted a kiss on his lips. "I love you Rebecca Quinn" "And I love you too you big dope. Now cmon we should go meet with the others and get this media day over and done with". The couple made there way downstairs and met up with the rest of there group. Bayley, Sasha and Stephen were getting ready to leave the hotel when Stephen turned to Seth and Becky "look after her Rollins" Stephen pointed at Seth. "It's just interviews don't worry she won't die" the group laughed at Seth's comments and went on there way too there respective interviews. After a twenty minute drive Stephen,Sasha and bayley made it too the radio station they headed up inside and greeted the hosts before taking there seats.

*20 minutes later*

The radio interview flew by they asked the trio questions about wrestling and there Wrestlemania matches but for Stephen the questions were about to get personal. "So Stephen the audiences in America know a lot about bayley and Sasha so let's find out more about you tell us about your family do you have a good relationship with your mother,father ? Let us know" those questions hit Stephen hard he liked to keep his personal life and business life separate and he hadn't ever spoken about his broken relationship with his father. "No disrespect but I'd rather not speak about my family if that's okay" Stephen tried to answer the question as confidently as he could but Sasha and bayley could tell something wasn't right but the radio presenter kept poking away at his personal life. "Okay well how about your relationship with fellow wwe superstar Becky Lynch ? What's the relationship status?" Stephen gave a nervous chuckle and again tried to dodge the question "well like I just said I like to keep my personal life private that's how I am outside the ring but me and Becky yeah we are close" "do you think you're as popular as you are because of her ? Do you think you're getting your opportunities because of your relationship with her ? Are you riding off her coattails?" This felt more like a personal attack for Stephen than an interview those questions felt like the presenter had just stuck a knife in his stomach. Bayley and Sasha looked at Stephen uneasy and Sasha opened her mouth to answer for him until Stephen stopped her. He bit his lip for a moment before giving his answer. "What opportunities? I've had two opportunities since debuting and how did both of those go for me ? Attacked both times by a man I considered to be a father figure. Being with Becky had nothing to do with those opportunities she has nothing to do with any of this what happens between us in our private life is between us. She's not involved in my business in the ring so when triple h decided to involve her he overstepped the mark and at wrestlemania I will make sure he pays for that" Stephen took off his headphones and stormed out of the room slamming the door. Sasha and bayley stared at the presenter with a look of disgust on there face. And went after him.
The journey back too the hotel was quiet Stephen hadn't said a word or replied too any of the things Sasha and bayley had said too him those words really got too him. As soon as they arrived at the hotel he headed straight to his and Becky's room without saying a word to bayley or Sasha.

Becky's pov
Me and Seth and had just arrived back at the hotel from our interviews and I have to say I had a lot of fun with Seth today but I couldn't wait to see how Stephen and the girls got on. As we made our way into the lobby we seen Sasha,bayley and Finn sitting on the couches but there was no Stephen. " hey guys where's Stephen ? " bayley and Sasha looked up at me and i could instantly tell something was wrong. "You haven't heard about our interview then?" Sasha asked me and I shook my head "he's been in your room since we got back you may want to see him becks" bayley said to me and I instantly sprinted towards the elevator. I opened up the door and called his name but there was no reply but I found  him on the sofa with his head in his hands I approached  him slowly and got down on my knees before eventually removing his hands from his face he looked up at me and his eyes were red which must've been from rubbing away the tears "Oh Stephen what happened" I said trying to stop myself from crying before eventually engulfing him into a hug where I felt some tears escape from his eyes onto my shirt. For the next thirty minutes we laid on the bed with the roles  reversed this time Stephen had his head on my chest and my hand was in his messy hair just trying my best to comfort him while waiting for him to speak too me. "They asked about my family" he said finally breaking the silence. "What's wrong with that big guy?" I asked sounding a little confused because everything he'd told me about his family had been Positive. He sat up in front of me still not making eye contact with me which he hadn't done since I found him in here earlier. "My relationship with my father  for as long as I can remember hasn't been as strong as the one I've had with my mother and sisters. He thought my dream of being a wrestler was nonsense and I should get a normal job but when I left for japan at nineteen he wasn't  even there to say goodbye. A couple months into my stay in japan   I got the call that my grandmother was sick and she wasn't gonna be around much longer. I wasn't there when she passed because I couldn't get a flight home and I missed her funeral by an hour when I did  get home that day my dad couldn't look me in the eye but I'll never forget his words. It should've been you. And he kicked me out I've not been in contact   with him since ." Stephens words broke Becky it was truly an Awful story I couldn't believe what he'd been through. "The radio host then began questioning if I was relevant just because I was with you if you were the reason I'd been getting opportunities and I lost it with him it just made me think if we weren't together then you wouldn't have been in danger during raw with hunter and it made me question if I can protect you and keep you safe becks I don't want anything to happen too you" I instantly moved towards him and just smothered him in a hug I wasn't sure what to say too guard him but I knew I had to comfort him. We broke the hug and I cupped his face in my hands making him look me in the eyes his once beautiful happy hazel eyes had changed with his mood they looked sad and broken and I couldn't let them stay that way. "You're stuck with me for meet and greets the rest of the week big guy and I promise you no ones going to hurt you not  while I'm there because I'll rip  there  arm off " a smile developed on his face and I knew I had succeeded in comforting him. For the rest  of the night I let him have my spot cuddling into me for a change on the bed.

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