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Friday April 5th 2019

Becky's pov
I woke up suddenly to banging on our hotel room door I heard Stephen groaning beside me. I quickly checked my phone for the time it was 10am jeez this was the latest I'd slept in for a while sex with Stephen last night really took it out of me. I got up off the bed and headed towards the door "if it's not vince to hand me the universal title shut the door and come back to bed " I chuckled at Stephens words as he put the pillow over his face. I opened the door and was greeted on the other side by Sasha and bayley "girl it's 10am you're always up before 10 what were you two doing last night?" Before I could answer Sasha looked me up and down and noticed the mess my hair was in before smirking at me "shut up and come in" I replied opening the door further for them. "Where's Stephen?" Bayley asked as the two of them sat down across from me "I'm trying to sleep" He shouted through from the bedroom we all laughed at his reply. "Well we wanted to ask if you guys wanted to do anything today since it's our day off" before I could reply Seth and Finn barged through the door. "Why can't I ever just sleep" Stephen groaned and the group again laughed at him. "What're you two doing here ?" I asked as Seth and Finn approached the three of us. "We wanted to see what the plans for today were since it's our only day off. But I can see sleeping beauty's still not up" as Seth finished speaking the four of them ran into the bedroom and jumped on top of Stephen I couldn't help but laugh standing in the doorway. "I hate you guys I hope you know that" Stephen finally sat up as we all tried to figure out what to do today before Seth and I looked right at each other and both came up with the same idea "CrossFit???" We both said excited as our eyes widened the rest of the group looked at us and unanimously replied with a no.
After a moment of silence trying to figure out what to do Sasha suggested the beach and then the carnival afterwards finally we all agreed on something. The other four left to get ready and told Stephen and Becky they'd meet them at the beach.
Thirty minutes later Becky came out of the bathroom in her bikini and stopped in front of Stephen who was sitting on the edge of the bed ready to go he looked up at her and his eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head "well does this look okay ?" Becky asked it took a while before Stephen finally replied "wow. How're you my girlfriend again ?" The couple laughed and Becky grabbed a shirt and some shorts to put over her outfit before they left. Stephen popped his bag into the backseat and climbed into the drivers seat Becky hooked her phone up to the car to put some music on"please no more pearl jam" Becky gasped and looked at Stephen with a disgusted look on her face "how dare you they are the best band in the world" "they are trash becks" Becky slapped his arm "linkin Park are trash Stephen" Stephen put his hand on his heart and acted insulted to mimic Becky "ouch low blow you're definitely getting thrown into the water when we get there" "try it big guy" Becky and Stephen smiled at one another before having a quick kiss and taking off for the beach to meet there friends .
The couple eventually found there friends  already tanning away on the beach. Stephen placed his bag down and began to put his things Inside it including his shirt "damn boy those abs" Sasha said in a joking way Becky took her shirt off and instantly threw it over Sasha's face and the group laughed. As Becky had finished taking her shorts off she heard a whistle in her direction she looked at Stephen instantly expecting it too be him but he had a confused look on his face the couple then looked behind him where they saw two men staring at Becky,becky noticed Stephen clenching his first "Hey buddy can I help you ? " "just enjoying the view pal" Stephen began approaching the men "Yeah well get your unwanted eyes off my girlfriend" the two men got closer to Stephen "what're you going to do about it huh" once the man had finished his sentence Seth and Finn appeared behind Stephen "there a problem here fellas?" Seth asked crossing his arms. The two men didn't reply and just turned around and walked away.

Becky's pov
The boys began high fiving  and sprinted off towards the water I got lost in my thoughts just staring at Stephens soaking body in that water before Sasha finally knocked me out of them. "Who's got the best body out of the guys ?" I instantly  slapped her arm "ow what was that for" she replied laughing. "You're married" me and bayley said in unison "it's harmless fun chill guys and you didn't answer my question. I'm saying Seth just to stop Becky from murdering me" we laughed at Sasha's comments because it was the truth. "I'll say finn for the exact same reason sash  is" Sasha immediately high fived Bayley "well I'll say the answer on everyone's mind it's definitely  Stephen" I said with a smirk on my face bayley and Sasha smiled  and  nodded there head in agreement. Our conversation quickly ended as Stephen and Finn approached  us soaking  wet "Seth says you three have to go join him in the water or else we are throwing  you guys in" Finn said with his usual huge smile. "Don't need to ask us twice Cmon Sasha  and Becky let's go" I got up to go with the girls  before I left I planted a quick kiss on Stephens lips as him and Finn went to lay down.

Stephen's pov
I waited until Becky was with Seth bayley and Sasha before finally sitting down with Finn I didn't want anymore creeps trying anything. I grabbed my towel out of my bag and began drying myself off. I couldn't believe we were two days away from the biggest wrestling event of the year and here the six of us where at a beach with not a care  in the world. I sat up and got lost in my own thoughts watching Becky she looked completely breathtaking who am I kidding she looked perfect 24/7 that includes the time when she broke her face I was one lucky guy to have her. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I was immediately knocked out of my daydream "did you hear me lad?" "Sorry finn I drifted off a little there" Finn chuckled "you couldn't take your eyes off her Stephen you ignored me for five minutes." "Sorry bud I just can't help it look at her. There's uh something I want to tell you finn you need to keep it between us though" "of course buddy what's up" my hand dove into my bag in search of what I wanted to show finn before I finally found it and lifted out a small velvet box which opened up to show off a ring. "After mania when Becky wins the women's title I'm going to ask her to marry me finn" he looked at me completely shocked
"This is big Stephen  are you sure ?" I looked at finn completely confident "I've never been more sure of anything in my life finn"
A little while later the rest of the group where laying on the sand watching Stephen and Becky in the water messing around together. "This is the happiest I've ever seen her" Sasha commented "Finn you've known them both longer than anyone what're you thinking of this." Seth asked finn none of there eyes leaving the couple in the water. "I'm just happy too see two good friends happy and the fact they're happy together makes it even better." Sasha Seth and bayley nodded  In agreement.

An hour later the group had left the beach and made there way to the carnival they were stopped quite a few times by lots of fans asking for photos and autographs. Becky had made Stephen carry her on his back the whole walk there. "You guys are like teenagers god" Becky stuck her tongue out at Seth receiving a laugh from the king slayer "you're just  jealous  Rollins me and Sasha and bayley are the only ones here not in our 30s yet" "heck yeah Taylor you tell them" they high fived each other reviving glares from the rest of the group.
The group spent the rest of there night on the carnival rides  and playing the games before finally retreating back too there hotel after a great day off together.

Two chapters left everyone who's excited for the ending of Becky and Stephens story ?? 🤙🏼

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