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Stephen woke up in his  hotel room to constant knocking on his door he got up and threw on a pair of shorts "I'm coming" he yelled and opened the door too her.

Becky's pov
He opened the door wearing nothing but shorts I gazed at his chiselled abs and his two arms covered in tattoos and  his chest centre piece. I hope I'm not drooling.

"Becky you okay ? Can I help you ?" "Yeah sorry newbie I was just wondering if you'd like to do something  since we don't have work again until Tuesday" "uh yeah sure Becky come in" he invites her in and closes the door. "Just let me get some clothes on and I'll be good to go" he shoves on some dark skinny jeans and a plain white T-shirt. "So what did you have in mind?" They arrive at there destination. "A roller disco ?? Seriously Becky do I look like someone that roller skates he chuckles" "aw cmon it'll be fun we can get too know each other better"she says while putting on her skates "I have never been roller skating in my life how can I talk when I'll be too busy face planting?" This comment causes Becky to laugh uncontrollably "don't worry I'll help you we can't let that pretty face get damaged can we ?" Stephen glances at Becky and she blushes slightly. "For your fan girls obviously they'd hate to see there favourite beaten up" "yeah okay Becky" he says smirking at her blushing. Becky struts onto the skating area and skates around with confidence someone's clearly done this before Stephen thinks too himself. after a couple attempts skating around Becky makes her way over too Stephen who is yet to enter. "Cmon what're you waiting for?" Becky says  with her cocky smile "I told you I can't skate I'll face plant" Becky takes Stephens hand and brings him into the area "I'll help you just keep hold of my hand but if you start to fall don't bring me with you" Becky and Stephen share a laugh after a couple minutes skating round Stephen gets a bit more confident but noticed Becky still has his hand he lets out a small smile trying to hide it from her. As the music changes Stephen watches as Becky starts dancing along with the music she takes out her phone and goes live on Instagram at first she has Stephen hidden so they can only see her but the comments are flooded asking who she's with. "The people want to see who I am with" Becky says motioning too him to come closer to which he obliges. " hey guys" Stephen says with his cheesiest grin not noticing how close him and Becky are that there heads are rested on each other's. "Just showing the newbie around guys letting him know who's the man and who's in charge of smackdown. Stephen just rolls his eyes and laughs at her comments. Becky notices so many comments asking if they're together and starts to blush which Stephen notices. What they both don't notice though is that everyone in the live can see that they are holding hands. "Anyway guys we better be going now it's nearly newbies bedtime so catch you all Tuesday for smackdown live see yah" "isn't roller skating more for couples?" Stephen says catching Becky off guard " what do you mean?" She says chuckling slightly. Stephen motions to everyone else on the rink holding hands cuddling. "Well friends can do it too Becky says childishly and sticks out her tongue which gets a laugh from Stephen. "Nobody here looks like friends except us" "yeah but we've got them fooled we are holding hands too" Becky says holding up hers and Stephens hand which are tightly clasped together. They both look at there hands and blush slightly hoping the
Other doesn't notice. After what seemed like hours at roller skating together Becky and Stephen made there way back too there hotel rooms Stephen walked Becky too her hotel room and they stood outside the door. "So uh thanks for my first experience at roller skating it was surprisingly good" Stephen says he hasn't been able to take the smile off his face all day. "It was no problem I had a good time too but I'm pretty sure you got better at it yet you held my hand the whole time we were there" Becky says with a grin on her face. " well if you knew that why didn't you let go" Stephen says with a confident smile on his face. " just making sure we didn't damage your good looks newbie. Without realising both started to lean in but before anything could happen Becky's door opened. " oh sorry did i   interrupt something?" Naomi says  a bit embarrassed. "No of course not Stephen and Becky say in unison." "Well I guess I'll see you another time newbie" Becky says giving him a quick hug." As Becky heads inside Stephen leans against her door with the biggest smile on his face which Becky was also doing on the other side of the door the feelings for each other looked to be a mutual thing.

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