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Becky woke up in her hotel room waking up alone was becoming a regular thing again although this time she didn't like it she'd gotten used to waking up in Stephens arms or smelling the food being made by him in the kitchen or sometimes it was the other way around life was better for her with him in it he made her feel confident in herself he made her believe she could do and achieve anything she set her mind too but it felt like eternity since she'd woken up in his arms. Monday morning it had been a few days since the bar incident and now the roles were reversed Stephen was now avoiding her which broke her heart she now knew how he felt during those days she avoided him.  They had raw tonight so she was hoping she'd finally get a chance to speak too him and see him she just wanted to see his face  more than anything she missed  him so much. As  she woke up in the morning Becky got up had a quick breakfast and made her way too the local gym to try and take her mind off things all she wanted to do today was lift weights she knew this wasn't the best idea because her mind was elsewhere but she decided to do it anyway. As Becky was about to begin her deadlift all she could think about was Stephen she raised the weights above her head but because of her mind being  elsewhere she wasn't concentrating and  her legs started to buckle she was about to drop the weights  on too herself until she felt it  being lifted from her she took some quick breaths to calm down  and turned around to find out who'd helped her of course it was her own knight in shining armour there he was standing there in his workout gear sweat dripping from his forehead. "You really shouldn't lift weights when your minds elsewhere becks" "how'd you know my mind was elsewhere?" "I seen you come in Becky you looked distracted and flustered." "Yeah I've had a lot on my plate. Why're you here so early you're never at the gym this early even when I'm with you" "just like you I've had a lot on my mind and barely slept" "we need to talk about this Stephen please talk too me" Stephen stood for a minute thinking over his reply biting  his lip before he could reply a couple fans appeared and asked Becky if they could have a picture she put on a happy face and agreed "would you mind?" One of the fans asked Stephen while handing him there phone" "Yeah course no problem" Stephen took the phone and took the picture the fans thanked them and left Stephen turned to Becky to finally give her a reply. "Yeah you're right we do need to speak but not here and not raw I'll come by your room after the show okay?" "Yeah that's fine I'll see you soon" Stephen left and Becky felt like another weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She presumed he was heading back too the hotel to get ready for the show. Becky decided too do the same today just wasn't her day for a workout so she left eager for everything to go by quickly so she could speak to him and finally sort  there issues out. The day did happen to go by quickly for her but she never saw Stephen he disappeared after his match Becky asked Seth and Finn about it but they told her they had no clue where he was and he wasn't replying to any calls or texts this worried Becky but all she could do was wait for him at her hotel room and hope he'd keep his word and show up to sort things. A few hours had passed since being at the arena Becky had changed  into some nice clothing but was feeling less and less hopeful of him appearing. It was now ten pm and Becky was about to call it a night until she heard a knock on the door what greeted her on the other side surprised her and made her breath a sigh of relief. It was a nice surprise as he'd finally arrived and he had a bouquet of roses and had on one of his fine suits. "Hey I'm sorry I'm late but I couldn't show up empty handed" Becky couldn't help but smile at his kind gesture he was the one upset with her yet here he was with gifts for her she also couldn't help but melt when he flashed her his irresistible smile . "Don't worry about it fashionable late as always and quite literally today come in" Stephen entered the room and placed the bouquet into a vase of water and they both sat on the edge of Becky's bed a small awkward silence  overcame them. "so you're a bit over dressed for a simple
Conversation are you not?" Becky said which received a slight chuckle from Stephen. "I wanted to make an effort no matter how small the occasion you're always worth it  " Becky tried her best to hide her smile and her blushing face but Stephen noticed it straight away. "And I can see you did the same you look great as always" "Yeah like you said I had to make an effort this isn't a casual conversation so let's get down too it. I'm really sorry that you saw Jeff with his arm around  me Stephen it was only for a couple minutes and I wasn't enjoying it at all it was so awkward and I just wanted out of there seeing your face after it broke me it and I want you too know I'd never do anything intentionally to hurt you or get back at  you for the Sasha incident " once Becky finished speaking there was a short pause while Stephen contemplated his reply. "So there's nothing there for Jeff ? No feelings nothing?" Becky was a bit shocked by his questions but understood why he was asking them she'd been in the exact same situation with Stephen and Sasha and knew how he felt about this. "None what so ever Stephen also Sasha explained everything and I promised myself the first time I seen you I was going to apologise too you and hope you'd take me back I know it wasn't your fault. I'm just insecure my  boyfriend before Jeff cheated on me so it's not easy for me to trust new people but you came into my life at a time where I was supposed to only care about me and put myself first but you changed that there was something about you and I realise now what it is you're special and I don't want too lose you" once Becky finished speaking the silence takes over again and she begins staring at the ground until she feels Stephens fingers  underneath  her chin and lifting it up. "The feeling is 100% mutual Rebecca Quinn I couldn't bare the thought of losing you so will you take this silly fool back and be my girlfriend again?" As soon as Stephens finished speaking Becky connected her lips with his and they shared a deep passionate embrace. "Does that answer your question?" "Kinda but could you give me a yes or a no please ?" Stephen says with a jokingly petted lip. Becky slapped his arm playfully "yes you dope" both share a laugh. "I do have one more question for you though Stephen?" "What is it boulder shoulders?" "The last thing you said too me at the bar was that you loved me did you mean that?" Stephen was a bit taken back by her question "I don't just tell people I love them for the sake of it only special people like you and Finn of course" Becky again playfully slapped  his arm and jumped  on top of him as they play fought and shared a  laugh. "Well guess what newbie I love you too" Stephen couldn't help but have Huge smile on his face. "Well let's keep it that way Becky"

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