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Another day another Monday night raw this time in Florida Stephen hadn't been back in Florida since he left nxt. He wasn't booked tonight but Becky had a promo and Stephen refused to let her attend alone. "I'm a big girl Stephen I can protect myself they don't call me the man for nothing you know" Stephen and Becky were in there hotel room and not long back from a quick workout since that's all they could manage right now with there injuries "I know you're the man Becky and I know you could kick the majority of the male locker rooms asses but hunter is different we all know what he used to be like he used to be sick and twisted you saw what he done too me In the chamber you heard his comments last week he's capable of hurting you Becky I'm not buying this corporate crap anymore. Anywhere you go I'm going" "fine fine I understand soon as I'm done my promo we can get out of there deal?" "Deal" they shared a deep kiss and left for the show. After arriving and getting settled in her locker room Stephen and Becky headed off to catering to chat with there friends before Becky headed off to do her promo. Stephen sat at catering with Finn and Seth to watch Becky deliver her promo.

Becky's pov
My music played and the crowd went crazy I still wasn't used too these reactions from the fans but I was entirely grateful for each and every single one of them. I slowly approached the ring my knee was getting stronger but I wasn't taking any risks so I took my time getting in the ring where I received a microphone ready to speak too my people. "The man is back people did you miss me ???" The crowd erupted in cheers it had only been two weeks since they last seen her but this reaction just cemented Becky's popularity. "Now with everything that's been going on lately people seem to have forgotten that I won the royal rumble and I am facing the luckiest bitch on the planet at wrestlemania and since we all know Ronda can't speak to save herself it's up to me a half injured woman to
Promote our matchup cause we all know Ronnie can't sell without the man so out you come Ronnie let's get this verbal beat down over and done with for this week shall we"

Becky had the crowd in the palm of her hand cheering everything she said. She stood tall in the middle of the ring with a smug smile on her face awaiting Ronda but the music that played did not belong to Ronda.

Becky's pov
What the hell was triple h out here doing and why did he have his sledgehammer with him I didn't show it but I was really nervous Stephen was right he's become unhinged and really unpredictable. He entered the ring and we stood face to face I refused to back down I had to remember I am the man old Becky would've panicked but not now even with half a leg I wasn't backing down down from him.

Triple h pov
"Becky Becky Becky you were expecting someone more feminine weren't you?" I couldn't help but chuckle "well don't you worry Ronda is going to have her fun with you at mania but right now I've got more important things to deal with. How's the leg ? Be a shame if someone or maybe something" I looked at the sledgehammer and held it high above my head " were to inflict a serious injury and take you out of mania" I stood face to face with Becky and smirked right in her face.

Becky's pov
I had enough of his crap and him messing with me and Stephen I swung my hand as far back as I could and and just let loose across his face I couldn't help but smile and look proud of myself while I got in his face.

"Wrong move Becky"
Triple h dropped the microphone and began approaching Becky sledgehammer in hand

Stephens pov
I was on my way back to catering to watch the rest of Becky and Ronda's promo I decided to go too the bathroom because I just didn't want to sit through ronda's entrance as I got closer to catering with one hand firmly on my still injured ribs Finn came rushing out of it "Stephen where the hell have you been lad you need to see this" before I could reply finn dragged me too the screen in catering that everyone was around. We pushed too the front of the crowd and my heart sank and my palms got instantly sweaty what the hell was she doing standing face to face with that mad man. I watched as Becky swung her hand back and connected with his face "that's my girl now get out of there Becky" I still couldn't move as quickly as before because of my injuries at the chamber but as soon as I saw triple h approaching her with that hammer raised I wasn't going to sit here and watch him hurt the woman I love. I pushed my way past the crowd and ran as fast as I possible could too the curtain not even waiting for my music to play.

The crowd erupted into cheers when they saw Stephen sprinting down the ramp towards the ring to try and save Becky. Becky herself blew a sigh of relief at the sight of him she really was scared of what triple h might do her slap only happened because of pure adrenaline she got out of that ring as quickly as she could and hoped that Stephen wouldn't get even more hurt from this exchange. Stephen slid into the ring and triple h swung the hammer at him but he ducked under it and ran off the ropes and speared triple h Stephen landed numerous punches this wasn't fooling around anymore every single one of Stephens and triple h's punches were completely real. It took a lot of security and a lot of wwe superstars to separate the two men who once shared nothing but respect for one another but now that respect had been replaced with pure hatred. After the altercation with triple h had finished and the show was over Stephen and Becky were leaving the arena hand in hand with bayley,Sasha,Seth and Finn not far behind them just as they approached the parking lot Becky spoke up "Stephen thank you so much for saving me out there I don't know what would've happened if I didn't let you come along tonight but what are we going to do love he's not going to give up. What happens next ?" Stephen thought for a moment before looking at there group of friends and back at Becky "what happens next is you head too the airport with the rest of them and head home where you'll be safe I'm going to stay in Florida for a bit it's time to take the fight too him Becky" "wait Stephen what do you mean where are you going ?" "It's time for me to head home to where this all began"

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