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Stephen woke up in his hotel room the following night. last night felt like a nightmare and dream rolled into one he was betrayed by a man he felt was like a mentor too him but on the other hand he finally told Becky how he felt and was more than happy to find out she felt the same way. Stephen looked down at Becky's head still asleep on his chest nothing happened when they got back too the hotel they cuddled in bed and went too sleep it was a long night for both and for her it was a successful night but for him it was a failure. Tonight Becky would be debuting on raw and confronting Ronda. Kurt had told Stephen to stay away tonight in case triple h was there but that was an opportunity Stephen wasn't going too miss he wanted answers but most of all he wanted to beat triple h's ass. Stephen carefully got out of bed and placed Becky's head on the pillow she looked really peaceful so he didn't want too wake her. He checked his phone too see the time it was only 10 am Stephen thought he'd make the two breakfast and maybe see if Becky wanted too go to the gym after food. As he made his way too the kitchen area Stephen put some bread into the toaster Becky had always said toast was her favourite out of any food  she could choose it'd be that Stephen didn't mind it was something simple and easy for him to make for the two of them. Stephen was lost in thought again about triple h he couldn't believe he would do something like that too him after all they'd been through the last few years. Everyone  always talks about Vince's golden boys in WWE, everyone had said Stephen was triple h's golden boy in nxt but he didn't get a bad reaction like the way vince's got the fans loved him he always put on the best matches with the opponents he had. Stephen was knocked out of his daydream by two arms being wrapped around his waist this brought a smile too his face he tuned his head around slightly to see Becky smiling and hugging into the back of him. "I didn't hear you getting up" "that's because I was sneaky about it just like you were leaving me alone in bed I was quite comfortable on your chest you know the pillow isn't anywhere near  as good."Becky says pulling a jokey sad face Stephen just laughs at her cuteness "so what're you making there?" "Only your favourite some toast" Becky started jumping up and down for joy Stephen had never seen someone be so happy over toast. While they were eating the food  Stephen  remembered the drawing the little girl asked him to give too Becky. "Wait here a second I have something for you" Stephen pulled stuff out his bag before he found it. "Here" he says giving her the paper as Becky opens it there's slight tears  in her eyes "this is so good who did this I love it" "a little girl and her father stopped me outside a show and she gave me it she was a really big fan of yours here let me take a photo and post it so she hopefully sees it and knows you've got it" Becky holds up the picture and smiles Stephen posts the photo on his twitter and Instagram pages and captions it with
"To the special little girl and her father who stopped me and asked me to give her amazing drawing too her favourite wrestler Becky Lynch. We got it too her mission accomplished." After eating Becky agreed to workout for him since they were in LA for raw she took him too her local CrossFit gym for a conditioning workout which she absolutely destroyed him in. After getting back too the hotel and showering they got ready for raw both dressing in all black to hide from the fans Becky had her black shoes black leather trousers black crop top and leather jacket. Stephen was wearing black Nike's black skinny jeans Becky's the man T-shirt and a hoodie it was time to go to work. They arrived and were took too a private locker room away from everyone none of there coworkers knew they were there and kurt had no idea Stephen was here. Stephen was left alone for a bit while Becky sneaked around to find out when she was appearing tonight when she returned she told him she wouldn't be appearing until the end of the show so they'd be there all night so they got comfortable and sat down and watched as raw started.

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