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Becky and Stephen sat down on the couch in the locker room to watch raw and as soon as it started he heard what he was wanting to hear all day triple h's music Stephen instantly jumped too his feet filled with rage and anger Becky stood up and held onto his arm to try and help calm him down.

Triple h's POV
The fans seemed angry at me I came out too a loud chorus of boos the loudest I've heard in a while I didn't care I was about to explain why last night had too happen. "I guess you're all a little upset about last night huh ? You thought Stephen Taylor was best for business did you? Well I don't give a damn what any of you think" triple h's comment was greeted by boos so loud you'd think the roof was going to fly off the arena. "You people are the definition of stupid you call yourselves wrestling fans you want your voices too be heard but you can't make your damn minds up. One week you want a certain superstar to be top dog the next week you say they're being over pushed and boo the superstar this why I don't listen too any of you that is why last night I made the decision myself Stephen Taylor is not best for business yeah he was great in nxt but there is a big step up in levels between nxt and the main roster and he was just rising too fast too soon. I took matters into my own hands last night Taylor that is why you don't trust anyone that includes  your little girlfriend" triple h's last comment had the audience In Shock.

Stephens pov
That comment was the last straw for Stephen for the whole promo he  paced around the locker room and surprisingly took most of the  comments well but as soon as he mentioned someone dear too his heart he wasn't going to stand for it. He stormed out the locker room not even listening to Becky he marched down the hallways until he made his way too the curtain and his music played receiving a deafening cheer. Triple h's expression In the ring changed as soon he heard the music he couldn't believe it he refused to believe it no one told him Stephen was going too be here tonight but he watched as Stephen appeared from the curtain slowly walked too the ramp and unzipped his hoodie showing off his the man T-shirt which got a loud reaction from the fans and some Becky Chants. Stephen took the T-shirt of and sprinted down too the ring and speared triple h there was a barrage of punches from both men and not all of them fake they brawled all over ringside punches thrown both of them throwing each other into barricades and steel steps until finally the men's lockers room came out and split them up. Stephens lip was busted open and triple h's face  was red with his own blood he had busted his nose open. As triple h is dragged backstage he encounters kurt angle "what the hell was that angle why is he here " "Well it seems you've met raw's newest superstar hunter the contract and all the paper work was finalised this morning Stephen Taylor is officially a raw superstar" this news was greeted with a loud cheer from the audience. Stephen slowly made his way back too the locker room Becky was waiting in as he entered she turned around and had a lock of concern on her face noticing his busted lip she grabbed a napkin and rushed over too him to help stop the bleeding. "What were you thinking triple h is not some silly little lad on the Indy circuit he's the real deal Stephen he's the one in charge" "yeah well As soon as he made the choice to put his hands on me at the rumble he became my
Problem and I'll be damned if I'm going to let anyone and that includes triple h mess with my career. " Becky understood his frustrations she just didn't like seeing him physically hurt. They sat down and watched the rest of the show until it was time for Becky to make her appearance when it was time for her to go they both hugged and shared a kiss. "Go out there and show Ronda who's division this is show her who the face of the company is and show her who the man is becks I'm so proud of you" Becky held back the tears  as best as she could "I can't go out there crying you dope but that means a lot to me" she gave him a quick kiss and made her way too the curtain Ronda had just beaten mickie James to retain her title and she was about to get the shock of her life. Becky's music blasted in the arena and the crowd reaction was actually louder than Stephens earlier in the night. She appeared from the curtain and crowd just got even louder she made her way too the ring and soon as the music stopped the arena was filled with Becky chants.
"Did you think I forgot about TLC Ronda you see we were already on a collision before that incident of course Ronda you got lucky when my face got broken  because I was going to rip your arm off at survivor series but what did you do ? You poked  the bear you've angered the man and you signed your death certificate when you pushed that ladder over at TLC Ronnie cause now I'm telling you I'm taking that title at wrestlemania Ronda so you better hope you lose it before then cause I am taking over this show and I'll prove you aren't the baddest bitch just the luckiest" Becky drops the mic and hit Ronda with her bexploder suplex and puts Ronda in the disarm-her and Ronda screams in pain and furiously taps out while the crowd are roaring and cheering chanting Becky's name. Becky stands tall over Ronda holding the championship in the air nothing was going to stop her from making her dreams come true.

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