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It was Sunday rumble day Stephen wasn't sure what he was more excited for the rumble match or getting to see and speak too Becky again it had felt like an eternity since they last spoke so Stephen thought she must've forgot about him she's a big star a well known she must have plenty of guys are her but they'd shared two nearly special moments she wouldn't have done that if she was leading him on would ? No way was Becky like that she's too sweet and pure so  surely she was feeling the same about him right? He hoped so he didn't want to look like an idiot and confess his feelings for her if they weren't mutual but that was a chance he just had to take he couldn't risk not knowing how she felt about him. It was hectic backstage it always was for big PPVS the women's rumble would be main event Stephen was excited for Becky tonight was the big night for her to finally get a big moment. He  didn't see her backstage again which didn't surprise him tonight was a big night for the women she must be preparing but now it was time for The men's rumble which Stephen would be starting getting the iron man role tonight he didn't care how hard it would be he was winning this rumble.
"One hour later"
it was the final three it was Stephen Roman reigns and Seth Rollins all three men were exhausted. Leaning  in a corner Stephen crawled his way too ropes and started pulling himself up and as he turned around his jaw connected with something cold and made of steel like a hammer and before he knew it he was thrown out of the ring all Stephen could hear were gasps  and boos and just general shock from the crowd he was completely dazed as Stephen tried to pick himself up he looked up and there he was the man Stephen had so much respect for they had created such an inseparable bond in nxt it was triple h. He picked Stephen up and pedigreed him on the ramp all you could hear in the arena were boos. Why did triple h betray him after everything he'd done for nxt. All eyes in the arena except the two In the ring were on Stephen as refs tried to help him backstage but he pushed them all away and refused help as he held on too his ribs and rubbed his jaw Stephen had a look of anger on him that no one had seen before. He made his way backstage and Becky ran up too him there she was the girl he'd been dying to see for a month the girl he couldn't wait to tell how he felt but after what just happened  now really wasn't the time "oh my god what was that I thought you two were really close what happened Stephen are you okay?? This wasn't how
I expecting our first encounter in over a month to go" Becky's voice sounded genuinely concerned she'd also put her hand on his cheek where the sledgehammer had connected and started rubbing it with her thumb for some sort of comfort. This wasn't what Stephen wanted to happen she should be concentrating on her rumble later not on him but he appreciated the fact she cared. " I honestly have no idea but you can be damn sure it won't be the end of that I'm going right to Shane's office I want on raw I want triple h and nothings going to get in my way becks good luck tonight." He gave her a quick cuddle and made his way too his locker room after meeting Shane and kurt the discussion with Shane and kurt angle was quick they both agreed with him about how wrong triple h was to do that and didn't delay In sending him over to Kurts raw that's all he wanted to hear and made his way too his locker room to watch the women's rumble.
*one hour later* "AND HERE IS YOUR WINNER BECKY LYNCHHH" Stephen watched with the happiest face he could put on even though he didn't look it he was really happy and proud of her she deserved this more than anyone. He made his way too the gorilla position to congratulate and welcome her back. Once everyone else was done it was his time as soon as they locked eyes on each other they wrapped each other up in a tight hug not wanting to let go Stephen could feel tears coming down Becky's face onto his chest. "I'm so proud of you you deserve this after everything and now you'll make Ronda pay but I've got hopefully more good news. " what's that newbie?" Becky says  drying her eyes and looking up At him. "You're not going to be alone starting tomorrow raw is my new show" Becky was lost for words just as it looked like they were finally going to get there moment and share a kiss they realised where they were surrounded by co workers so Becky grabbed his arm and they ran to a quiet area. Stephen knew this was finally his moment too tell her despite what had  happened  tonight he wasn't going to let triple h ruin this moment.  "Listen Becky there's something I've been wanting to say since TLC but I never got the chance because I didn't want to ruin the mood but here goes. All the time we spent together those two and just now three close moments we've had together they meant a lot to me and you can ask any of my close friends they'll tell you I've never been serious about any girl ever that was until I laid eyes on you as soon as I first met you at survivor series I felt something I'd never felt before and I tried my best to keep it to myself and just concentrate on my job without distractions but after all the time we spent together the roller disco even the can openings I can't hold it in anymore and if you don't feel the same that's fine but I want you too know I really really like you Rebecca" Becky stood there taking this all in with a confused expression  which made Stephen believe she wasn't feeling the same way that was until she grabbed him and wrapped her arms around his neck and embraced him with the most passionate kiss he's ever had he made sure to put his arms around her waist and pull her as close as possible and when they were done Becky opened her mouth to speak still holding him close. "Does that answer your question about how I feel when I'm with  you and how I feel towards you Stephen? I've been waiting a while for you to tell me that I thought it was never going to come" she says with the biggest smile on her face. "You know that's the first time you've said my name and  I like it a lot more than Newbie" "is that so?" Becky says before wrapping him in another warm passionate embrace. And just like that his night turned  from the worst night of his life to probably the best night of his life he finally had the girl of his dreams.

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