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Wednesday morning. Stephen and Becky had been given the week off from live events Becky wasn't going to be cleared to compete again for a few weeks and vince gave Stephen the week off to recuperate from the brutal events that took place at the elimination chamber so instead of live events this week they had a meet and greet with fans today.

Becky's pov
I woke up first like I have done the last few days the brutal events that took place at elimination chamber have really taken the energy out of Stephen. I lifted my head of his chest and studied the many visible bruises that were present on his body and face I dunno how he's managed to stay so calm about this it looks so painful and yet here I am moaning about a knee my poor baby. I slowly but carefully caressed his cheek with my hand and laid a quick but gentle kiss on his lips before getting up and putting some clothes on and letting him get some more rest.

Stephens pov
I woke up in bed alone wondering where Becky was I quickly checked the time on my phone and seen it was only ten o'clock I thought long and hard about whether or not I should just go back to sleep but I had to find Becky just to make sure she was okay we'd both had a rough few days so going back to sleep was definitely out of  the question. I slowly and carefully flung on some sweatpants and one of my hoodies before carefully making my way downstairs where I found her sat at the kitchen table lost in her own thoughts. I slowly approached her and wrapped my arms around her waist in a tight and loving embrace "Hey you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine it's just not been a good few days for us has it ? Usually when I'm going through these hard times in my career I'm doing it alone but now I've got you Stephen" Becky takes Stephens hands and holds them and looks him right in the eyes "which made what triple h done too you in the chamber even more horrible I don't know how you managed to leave that chamber on your own two feet Stephen you were a bloody broken mess. I don't think going after him is a good idea love" Stephen looked shocked at Becky's comments and took his hands away from hers while having having one of his own hands on his ribs "are you serious becks? I could've been going to wrestlemania as either  the royal rumble winner or as universal champion but no he took those two opportunities away from me opportunities who knows when I'll ever get again. He could've ended my career inside that chamber and to top it all off he tried to hurt you. How can you expect me to just drop it " Becky tried to approach Stephen but he stopped her "let's  just get ready for this meet-up okay"

Becky's pov
An hour later we had arrived at our meet-up Stephen hadn't said much too me since our conversation earlier I didn't want too make him mad I just don't want too see him get hurt like that again I was so glad I wasn't there to see it live I don't think I would've been able to stay backstage and watch it but the highlights alone were brutal and I couldn't get those images out of my head it was as if he was being tortured the exact moment when triple h tied him up in the chamber and hit him across the face with the sledgehammer and his body just went limp is probably the most terrifying image I've seen in my life his lifeless battered  and bruised body his face covered in his own blood was too much for me. When we got too the venue the area was covered In Snow and it was really cold when Stephen saw the cue of people outside he convinced the organisers of the meet-up to let them in out of the cold. While myself and the rest of the adults were inside warming ourselves up  Stephen was outside having a snowball fight with all the kids it was the cutest sight I've ever saw you wouldn't know he was injured with how fast he was moving around and laughing with the children. I couldn't wait and hoped that one day he'd be doing that with our future child this was the first time in my life I'd ever felt serious enough about someone to consider kids. Eventually Stephen and the kids came inside and we started signing autographs and taking pictures with the kids and the fans. Before we knew it the last of the fans had came and been time definitely does fly when you're having fun. We left the venue went to grab a bite too eat before heading off back home. Later that night we hadn't spoken much since arriving back home things were still a little off after our little argument earlier I headed into the bathroom to get ready for bed I grabbed one of Stephens  shirts and put it on it looked like a dress on me but it was comfortable  so this was what I was going too wear. I headed into our bedroom and found him already lying down in bed with his arms behind his head he eventually looked over too me "damn my Celtic top looks great on you. Green and white are definitely your colours becks" "thanks big guy" I said with a smile he motioned for me to come lay down with him in bed I climbed in and assumed my usual position with my head on his chest and his arm around my neck. "Stephen I'm sorry about earlier" Becky turned  her head too face him. "It's okay I'm sorry for snapping at you and ignoring you today. I just need you too understand I'm not letting this go he's went too far Becky" "I understand I just don't want you too get hurt again like in the chamber those images were hard to watch love" "I know but I promise you this ends on my terms becks" Becky gives him a tired smile "okay love I trust you just be safe please goodnight I love you" Stephen kissed  her forehead "I love you too Becky"

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