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Silence had filled the room ever since Becky's confession Stephen was stood with his back too her  she had told Finn too leave immediately once Stephen had let him go. He stood still in front of her with his arms crossed. The tears just wouldn't stop rolling down Becky's face this was it she thought too herself. it's over between me and him. Becky approached Stephen and placed one of her hands on his shoulders "Stephen please I'm-" Before Becky could finish Stephen turned round extremely fast which frightened her a little she was sacred of how he was going too  respond but she wasn't expecting what he was about to do. He approached Becky slowly and immediately wrapped her up into a tight hug this wasn't what Becky was expecting at all but she didn't care it was better than she had expected so she instantly wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her head into his chest soaking it with her tears. Stephen still hadn't said a word to Becky since she confessed which was beginning to worry her but he finally put her worries at ease "I love you" those words where music too her ears she finally looked up at him her makeup ruined by her tears Stephen quickly wiped away the tears on her cheeks with his fingers. "Even if I am pregnant? " "even if you're pregnant with our child becks I'll love you and the little one until my final breath" Becky could feel the tears building up again. "I was so scared to tell you that's why I told finn I thought if I told you I was pregnant you'd leave. You've got your career ahead of you you've got a big match at mania" Stephen shocked Becky by planting a passionate kiss on her lips to stop her from speaking before finally responding. "Rebecca listen too me when I say this I love you Okay I'd be more than happy to spend the rest of my life with you and have kids with you I just didn't expect kids this soon but I promise if you are pregnant I'll stand by you through it all. And remember it's not just my career this'll affect you are so close too a well deserved career defining moment you are on the verge of being one of the the first women  to main event wrestlemania Becky this pregnancy could end that dream for you . This situation effects the both of us but if you are actually pregnant with my child I'm not going anywhere" once Stephen had finished speaking Becky looked up into his dark eyes and forced her lips onto his again it felt like the right thing to do emotions were running high. Once they separated from there embrace Becky managed to calm down "you need to take a test as soon as possible becks" Becky nodded in agreement "and you need to speak with Finn" Stephen looked
angry with himself for assuming his best friend would do that too him he did owe Finn a big apology. Once the couple got cleaned up and changed they left the locker room with there luggage hoping to find Finn quickly so they could leave once they were done. They quickly spotted him  sitting alone at a table with his head in his hands they both approached him and sat down beside him. "Hey bud" Finn looked up at the couple sensing they had made up he flashed them his usual smile. "Glad to see things are okay again" "Yeah Finn Listen I'm really sorry for freaking out like that knowing the history you two have I saw red As soon as I saw you guys holding hands I should've asked first before doing going after you like that  I'm really sorry" Finn held his hand out for Stephen and Stephen happily shook it he was feeling relieved he still had his best friend. "So what now? Where are you two off too?" Becky and Stephen gave each other nervous looks before Becky responded too his question. "Well now we have to go catch a flight home and get this situation sorted" " well my homes here in New York why don't you come stay at mine tonight instead of flying all the way home. I've got a spare room for the pair of you" the couple thought for a moment before they both nodded in agreement "that would be good finn" the trio headed off in Finns car to his home they got back late at night so they all decided to get some sleep right away tomorrow was a big day for the couple. Stephen and Becky woke up later than usual the next day both were still quite worried about Becky taking the test but they couldn't put it off forever. Once they were up and fully clothed they headed into the lounge where they found Finn already drinking a coffee as Stephen went and sat down beside him Becky couldn't help but notice the drum kit Finn had in the corner of the room . "Since when could you play the drums Balor" Finn chuckled and as he got up and stood beside Becky at the drum kit "I don't they're his" finn and Becky turned around as Finn pointed at him. Stephen had a big grin on his face. " a simple goodbye card would've done but no Stephen doesn't do simple so he  gave me his drum kit" "you play drums?" Becky was surprised at this revelation he'd never told her this before "I sure can watch this" Stephen sat down at the kit and sat his phone down beside him. His phone started playing Becky's theme music and the duo watched as Stephen repeated the song beat for beat on the drums Becky was stunned. "Who knew you were so talented with your hands" Becky and Stephen shared a kiss while Finn just simply rolled his eyes at the couple . A few hours had passed and the couple were back in Stephens apartment they were lying on the bed cuddled up waiting for the timer to run out so they could finally check the test results. "I'm scared" Stephen could hear Becky's voice breaking as she spoke he kissed her forehead and tried his best too reassure  her. "Me too I would love to be the father of your children but the timing is just not right" the timer finally went and Becky rushed into the bathroom and grabbed the test she had it facing the other way and brought it out to Stephen so they both could find out. On the count of three she turned the test over and they both froze In shock.

Becky smiled in relief she was happy the test  was negative

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Becky smiled in relief she was happy the test was negative. She looked up at Stephen who had a look of disappointment on his face as he went and sat on the edge of the bed Becky followed him and sat on his lap with her arms around his neck. "What's wring  big guy ? " "I'm relived it's negative but I'm also a little disappointed I was starting to get excited about the thought having my own little family with you" Becky tucked her fingers underneath his chin and raised his face to meet hers. "One day Stephen I promise" a smile eventually broke out on Stephens face as the couple shared a passionate embrace.

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