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Hello everyone this is the final chapter of falling for Becky Lynch. Before you read the chapter  I highly highly highly recommend watching the video above it'll be worth it trust me anyway. Anyway enjoy  the climax of Stephen and Becky's story 🤙🏼💚

Sunday April 7th 2019

The day had finally arrived wrestlemania was finally upon us. To Stephen it felt like long ago since his match with triple h was announced the assaults and  the verbal jabs it would all come to an end tonight Stephen would finally put his differences with triple h to rest. He was determined to make sure his first ever wrestlemania would not end in disappointment.
Stephen had been tossing and turning in his bed for hours where as soon as Becky's head hit her pillow she was asleep but Stephen had struggled. He got up out of bed and checked the time on his phone it was 3am Stephen didn't want to risk waking Becky up by tossing and turning all night so he decided he'd go for a late night jog to clear his mind. He quickly put on some trousers a jumper and a hat he grabbed his phone and room key before placing a gentle kiss on Becky's forehead not wanting to wake her up and off he went.
Stephens jog came to an end twenty minutes later when he stopped at a local park that was empty he headed inside and found a bench to sit on and collect his thoughts as triple h's words from the hall of fame ceremonies were still ringing in his ears he had to try his best to ignore them because he knew once an opponent gets in your head that's you lost the battle. Thoughts of self doubt began appearing in Stephens  mind but he was determined he wasn't going to let his problems get the best of him this time he needed to be strong he needed to believe in himself that he could win this tonight and he did but he knew it wasn't going to be easy he just hoped to leave in one piece.
Stephen got back to his hotel room at four am he gently opened and closed the door and sneaked his way over to his side of the bed and sat on the edge of it as he sat with his head in his hands he felt arms slowly making there way around his neck and a head gently resting against his . "Where'd you go ?" Becky asks yawning once she'd finished her sentence. Stephen chuckled "I didn't know you noticed I left" Becky pushed her face forward  and looked Stephen in the eyes "Stephen you are MY PILLOW of course I noticed you left. Plus you've got clothes on" Stephen  and Becky laughed. He quickly got undressed  and got into bed with Becky letting her rest her head on his chest. "I just couldn't sleep a lot to think about today it's a big day for the both of us"  "do you want to talk about it big guy ?" Stephen could tell by the tone of Becky's voice she was still tired and moments away from falling asleep again " not right now you've got a big day ahead of you too you need sleep. We will talk about it after we win our matches okay ?"
"Okay big guy goodnight" Becky gave Stephen a quick kiss and they slowly drifted off back to sleep.
It was now two pm and Stephen and Becky just arrived at MetLife stadium as they stood outside the huge football stadium Stephen looked up at the massive structure right in front of him and took a deep breath. "You Okay ?" Becky called over. "Yeah it's just really big.  We are really here huh" Becky held her hand out for Stephen to take "you're going to do great love" he gave her a smile and they headed inside.
The couple went there separate ways in search of there respective locker rooms to drop off there cases and get prepared for there matches later tonight. Becky headed into the female locker room where she was greeted by Sasha and bayley who were already in there and strategising for there tag title defence tonight. Becky sat opposite of the duo and released a deep breath. "You Okay becks?" Sasha asked slightly concerned about her. "Yeah I'm fine girls honest just a lot of pressure tonight I've got to deliver and most importantly I need to win that title and prove I'm not all talk"
"well if you want any advice remember me and Sasha did hand Ronda her first loss in wwe." Bayley said with a big grin on her face. Becky laughed "thanks girls I appreciate you being here for me" just as Becky finished speaking the door swung open and in walked a face Becky hadn't seen since TLC it was the queen Charlotte flair . The blonde stopped right in her tracks when she noticed Becky. The room suddenly became awkward before the blonde opened her mouth. "Hey Sasha,bayley good luck tonight" the duo nodded and thanked her before quickly exiting the room leaving Becky and Charlotte alone. The blonde sat a few spaces away from Becky but the atmosphere was still awkward the duo hadn't been friends since summerslam when becky snapped and "turned" on her best friend but Becky didn't see it that way Becky saw it as finally getting out of charlottes shadow that she'd been stuck in since there debut on raw. "Good luck in the main event tonight" Becky was surprised that the blonde was even speaking too her never mind saying those words. "Yeah thanks you too" Becky got up to leave the locker room but Charlotte grabbed her wrist "Becky wait please" Becky turned around and looked at her wrist that Charlotte had a hold of and Charlotte quickly released it "I really mean it when I say I'm rooting for you tonight. I know we haven't seen eye to eye for a while but you deserve this main event you busted your ass getting here and I can't think of anyone else I'd rather see make Ronda tap out than the man" a soft smile appeared on charlottes face. Becky was touched by those words but she refused to forgive her former best friend so easily. "Good luck with askua tonight" Becky replied and left the room instantly.
Stephen headed straight for the ring when he left his locker room just to get a feel of the arena. He had wrestled in some big places in Japan but nothing like this. When he stepped through the curtain and got a look at the empty arena it was simply breathtaking. He sat in the ring leaning against one of the turnbuckles he wasn't in the ring alone for long when Finn joined him and sat across from him. "Nervous ?" Finn asked Stephen took another deep breath before replying "course I am but you know me finn once I get into that zone there's no stopping me. Just having a hard time getting into it right now." "You'll get there I know you will. What about the ring lad?" "It's in my bag I'm excited for that part" Stephen was finally able to produce a smile on his face and to no ones surprise it was because of Becky. Both men got up and stood face to face and looked up at the wrestlemania sign before finn extended his hand which Stephen gripped firmly. "Good luck brother" Finn said Before exciting the ring.
It was not long now until fans were going to start making there way into the arena. Becky had already got her makeup done and was already wearing her gear but she grabbed Stephens hoodie like she always did to put over it while she walked around. Eventually she found her boyfriend sitting in the stands with his feet up on the seat in front of him listening to music. Becky climbed over his feet and sat down next too him resting her head on his shoulder. "Are you listening to Irish music??" Becky laughed. Stephen took his earphones out before replying too her. "It motivates me okay" Stephen quickly placed his arm around Becky as she go comfortable. "You look incredible becks. The hoodie especially is amazing." She laughed "Yeah you're not getting it back big guy" "I didn't think so" the couple laughed before they were interrupted by someone behind them clearing his throat they turned there heads before both jumped up out there seats staring at hall of famer Shawn Michaels. "Well don't you two look cute" "it's great to see you again sir" Shawn approached the duo shaking Stephens hand before giving Becky a quick hug. "Still with the sir stuff Taylor" Stephen owed a lot of his success in nxt to Shawn he taught him how to be a proper showman and really helped shape Stephens career alongside triple h" "listen kid I just want to talk too you about tonight. I know hunters my best friend but I don't agree with his actions these last few months. Like you mentioned on nxt I have first hand experience when he's like this and what I'm here to tell you is be careful tonight kid and listen when I say this. Don't ever take your eyes off him no matter what I mean it " Shawn stopped and looked back and forth between Becky and Stephen. "You've got a lot to lose tonight kid. As for you ms Quinn I'm rooting for you to win that women's title make me proud kid" the duo thanked Shawn as he left. Becky took a hold of Stephens hand. "I believe In You" those four words were all Stephen needed to finally snap into his zone. "I love you becks" "and I love you too big guy" the couple shared a passionate kiss after they broke it off they headed too the backstage area for the show to begin.
A few hours later and wrestlemania was in full swing Stephen,Becky,Sasha,bayley,Finn and Seth were all together in the same locker room. Finn,Sasha bayley and Seth had all already competed and retained there titles and Seth won the universal title so far things were looking good for the group Stephen had decided for tonight he'd made a little effort he had the Scotland flag painted on his face he liked to call it his war paint he also had a Scotland flag to wrap around his shoulders during his entrance too the ring. His match was only a few minutes away so he was in the middle of doing some last minute stretches when he finally got the knock at the door. He opened it to see a producer waiting for him. "You ready?" Stephen looked back towards his girlfriend and friends then too the producer and nodded his head before he could leave Becky came up too him and wrapped him up in a tight cuddle "You come back to me in one piece. I mean it Stephen" Stephen lifted her chin up and the couple shared a passionate kiss . "I love you" "I love you too" Stephen headed too the door while his friends cheered for him and off he went towards the curtain fully in his zone.
Stephen stopped at the curtain as he heard triple h's music end and heard the fans erupt into cheers for him this was it no turning back now it was time to play the game. As his entrance music played Stephen matched out the curtain to a loud ovation if this stadium had a roof it would've been blown off. Stephen finally made it into the ring and him and triple h came face to face as the announcer announced the contestants and also announced that the match would be Falls count anywhere. Stephen didn't break eye contact with triple h "you'll regret this kid" "bring it in hunter" the bell sounded and the crowd went crazy it was finally time.

45 minutes later
The match definitely had been living up to the hype it was absolute brutality and carnage from both men. Stephens blue and white Scotland flag was now red from his own blood although the blood on his hands was a mixture of his and triple h's. There was broken tables laying around the steel steps had been used repeatedly by both competitors the cage door had been broken off and both men were lying on the floor looking up at the Sky. Triple h moved first and slowly started climbing the cage Stephen slowly followed him but Stephen was bringing the sledgehammer with him. Both men reached the top and Stephen was standing over triple h with the sledgehammer raised. Triple h was begging and pleading with Stephen not to do it. Stephen dropped the hammer despite everything he couldn't do it instead he picked triple h up and pedigreed him on top of the cell and pinned him 1....2...3.the bell rang and Stephen was on his knees celebrating it was finally over

and then  his  whole world went dark.

Becky's pov
1...2....3. The five of us erupted into cheers and started celebrating he did it I knew he would but I was just glad this was finally over. I turned around and joined the group in a group hug after a few seconds I looked up at Seth who was looking at the screen in horror. I turned around and gasped and I watched as triple smashed the sledgehammer harder that ever off the back of Stephens head and his body became motionless as he slumped over on top of the cell. We watched as he dragged Stephens motionless body to the edge of the cell. I couldn't move I was frozen solid and that's when he done it he tossed Stephens body over the edge of the twenty foot cell. I watched on in horror as his lifeless body went crashing through the announce table with a sickening thud as he was unable to protect himself in anyway a loud scream came from the audience as they couldn't believe what was going on. I immediately fell too the floor and screamed my eyes immediately flooded with tears as they released uncontrollably Sasha and bayley tried there best to console me but it wasn't going to work. I rushed too the curtain with my friends as he was brought through on a stretcher unresponsive and barley breathing . I grabbed his hand immediately "Stephen please wake up for me." I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to Stephanie telling me I still had a match to do. I felt like slapping her because this was not the time for that but unfortunately she was right I had contractual obligations I had to fulfil. But I wasn't going to be able to concentrate after what had just happened.

Forty minutes later
I dunno how I managed to do this match after the emotional trauma I had just gone through but I was somehow still going. Ronda was sat up in the middle of the ring I decided there was only one way to finish this I was going to use Stephens finisher. I ran off the rope and kicked her right across the chest and covered her 1..2..3. And that was it. What was suppose to be the biggest moment of my career was overshadowed by the events that took place before my match. I held my belt up and the fans cheered me as the tears dropped down my face. Before I knew it I was joined in the ring by my fellow horsewomen including Charlotte I didn't care about what went on in the past between us I just really needed my best friends and immediately ran into a hug with the three of them trying to console me. This was supposed to be the happiest moment of my career but  instead of feeling happy I felt broken and incomplete. My world had been turned upside down.
The four of us exited the ring and I began speed walking up the ramp I had to get out of here I had to see him he had to be alive he couldn't leave me.
Little did I know my life was about to completely change.

The end...

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