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Meet Stephen Taylor ^ in case anyone's wondering that's not his actual name I'm just basing the character off him. His real name is Chris ridgeway check him out he's a great wrestler 🤭

anyway enjoy  the chapter everyone 💚🤙🏼

Wednesday Stephen stuck by his word and stayed in Florida whilst Becky flew home to LA. He had been staying at Sasha and mikaze's home since Tuesday  since they lived in Florida near the performance centre. Stephen and Sasha managed to salvage  a friendship despite previous issues . She was one of Becky's best friends and was going to be a part of her life so Stephen saw no reason to make things difficult and not make up with her and since the incident Sasha and mikaze had repaired there relationship and were doing better than ever which Stephen was happy about they were both good people and deserved each other. Stephen woke up in there guest room and put on a pair of shorts and grabbed a shirt and headed towards the kitchen where he was greeted by the couple and  Sasha just couldn't help but stare at his abs which didn't go unnoticed . "Cmon dude put the shirt on you're making me look bad" mikaze said which received a laugh from Stephen. "Sorry I'm just so used to waking up and it's just me and becks" Stephen sat  down and ate breakfast with the couple before Sasha broke the silence "so what're you planning Stephen why did you stay in Florida ?" "I'm heading home Sasha" "you're going back to Glasgow ?" Stephen let out a light hearted laugh "No I'm going to nxt tonight hunter is  going to be there and one way or another this problem is getting sorted" "is that a good idea dude ? Your injuries still haven't fully healed he could hurt you even more and put you on the shelf for longer" "I don't care mikaze messing with me was  one thing but when he threatened Becky  he crossed the line I'm finishing this with him. Now I should go get sorted thank you two for letting me stay the last few days I appreciate it guys" stephen gave Sasha a quick hug and shook mikaze's hand before leaving for the performance centre he decided he'd go see some old friends before nxt tonight.  So many memories came back whilst Stephen was stood outside the performance centre this was where he met triple h for the first time this was were his wwe journey began little did he know that the man who welcomed him here with open arms and chatted with Stephen for hours  about his vision for Stephen and nxt would be the same man trying to destroy his wwe career. He took a deep breath and walked through the doors it felt good too be back home. Stephen took a minute to remember everything it was just like how he left he was lost in the moment that was until a hand was firmly placed on his shoulder he stood still expecting hostilities he turned around quickly ready to throw a punch. "Woah there kid don't be so hostile it's just me" "Matt oh my god it's great to see you" Matt bloom is the head trainer at nxt someone Stephen worked closely with during his stay here he gave Stephen a lot of great advice that helped him cement his legacy here. Both men stood with a smile on there faces before Matt finally extended his hand for a hand shake to which Stephen happily accepted. "Not sure it's a good idea you being here with everything that's going on between you and the boss." "Relax Matt I'm just here to see some friends I'll be dealing with him later. How's everything going here ?" Before Matt began speaking he motioned for Stephen to walk with him around the performance centre away from anyone listening in. "Things here are great as usual in fact we've got a new group of trainees in I'm sure they'd love to hear some words from you kid" Stephen hesitated for a second before finally replying "you know usually I'd say no but I can't to you and this place I'll have a word" "that's great kid thank you. So who are you here to  see anyone in particular ?" "Everyone really but I'm eager to hear how Tegan and Dakota's rehabs are going on" "why don't you ask them yourself" Stephen and Matt stopped walking and Matt pointed towards a ring where two females where in the middle of rolling around the ring together. A smile began to develop as he seen both women overcome there injury issues and back where they belong. Stephen started walking towards them and brought both hands too his mouth and shouted "team fly kicks " both women halted there wrestling and noticed who was shouting on them a smile on both there faces. Stephen ran towards the ring and slid in as he stood up both women hugged at each of his sides. All three of them came to the performance centre together Stephen  and Tegan  knew each other from the British Independent scene and it didn't take long for them to become friends with Dakota there weren't many non Americans so they got along easy. After an hour of Stephen showing them some moves and some grappling the three sat down in the ring for a quick catchup. "So our little Glasgow warriors in love eh?" Dakota teased and both her and Tegan giggled Stephen tried his best not too blush but he couldn't help it and the goofy smile he had on his face wasn't helping him either. "What happened too our stone cold Stephen no girl got near you it was always wrestling first" "Yeah and then I met Becky Lynch at survivor series and the rest was history guys" both girls looked at Stephen with smiles on there faces happy that there best friend was happy "So what's it like on the main roster ?" "Honestly Tegan it's great everything we thought it was at least that's that I did think until the rumble" Stephen looked down at his feet on the mat trying to hide his disappointed look but Dakota and Tegan caught on " we can't believe what happened Stephen we all used to joke about how you were his favourite none of us were expecting that" "honestly Dakota I'd rather not speak about it right now I'll wait till later" "what's happening later ?" Stephen gave Tegan a mischievous smile   "just watch nxt"

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