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Stephen had spent a lot of his week off recovering from his hangover he didn't think he'd even had that much too drink but the only thing he could remember was becky and the conversation they had they never spoke the rest of that night but he noticed her glancing at him a few times could it have been what he said ?. Today was Tuesday smackdown time Stephen wasn't booked for a match tonight just a promo with Randy who was upset at being pinned by Stephen. Stephen wasn't at the hotel long before Aj came and picked him up for smackdown the drive too the arena wasn't that long and Stephen and Aj just discussed plans for TLC all he had to do tonight was to open the show with a promo with Randy to help promote there match they'd be having at TLC and he'd be done for the night. The promo had passed and ended with a back and forth brawl before Randy retreated the crowd were really behind Stephen he was surprised they could understand his accent talking wasn't his strong point not because he wasn't good at it he just struggled with his thick accent but the fans seemed to like him maybe the crew put subtitles on him he thought too himself and chuckled. Stephen decided instead of leaving early he'd hang out backstage while waiting for Aj to finish he'd chat too some of his coworkers Xavier woods invited him on too his YouTube Chanel Stephen was hesitant at first but Xavier convinced him and he agreed he'd join him soon. Stephen was sat on a box backstage lost in his own thoughts about his home back in Glasgow how he missed his friends and family but this wasn't a new feeling too him he'd been wrestling a long time he'd gotten used too the homesick feeling wrestling was his home away from home he was determined to accomplish his goals in wwe. Just as he was getting ready to walk away he felt a presence sit down next too him the fiery red hair was a giveaway. "Hey Becky what's up" "I've been looking all over for you newbie it's about what you said at the bar I want to apologise to you for being rough on you and not giving you a chance to be my friend I know I've had these problems before with friends but it doesn't mean I should cut everyone out you've been nothing but nice too me and I'm sorry. you're welcome to join my inner circle" Becky says with a smile on her face " Becky thank you that means a lot to me honestly all I wanted was to be your friend. And since I'm now in the inner circle I've gotta ask who else is in there?" " just me of course the man I don't need anyone else" Becky says with a smirk trying to hold back her laughter. Just as Stephens about to reply Becky falls too her knees on the floor clutching her temple Stephen grabs her before she falls completely on her face a look of concern on his face "woah Becky are you okay what's wrong?" Yeah I'm fine I just get these pains still sometimes it's nothing but listen I'm supposed to go for a doctors appointment just to get the all clear to compete. I was wondering if you're not doing anything and you don't mind would you accompany me ? I'd rather not go alone" uh yeah Becky sure I'd be happy too but isn't this the sort of thing your boyfriend should be there for?" Becky looks at him with a confused look across her face " what boyfriend? what're you talking about ? You mean Jeff ? " yeah i suppose I don't know the guys life story" Becky laughs and playfully slaps his arm " Jeff and I broke up a while ago newbie" Stephen looks at her mouth wide opened shocked. "So why does everyone keep telling me you have a boyfriend??" "Who's been telling ya that newbie?" "Freaking Aj and Seth haven't let me forget it ever since we met damn it ." Becky just laughs.They arrived for Becky's doctors appointment and took a seat and waited for a few minutes before she was called in Becky laid down on the table with Stephen sat by her side he gave her a reassuring smile before the doctor walked in " ah miss lynch how are you today ? This must be the boyfriend nice too meet you." Stephen and Becky just looked at each other Stephen noticed she was blushing. " he wishes doc" Becky speaks up clearing the air. Stephen just looks at Becky and couldn't help thinking too himself. Yes I do.

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