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Once again Stephen was awaken by a constant knocking on his hotel room door this was becoming a regular occurrence but this time he looked at his phone it was 2 am "who's knocking on my door at this time jeez" Stephen quickly gets up and puts on his shorts he opens the door his eyes still squinting after just waking up but he sees the bright hair right away it was Becky standing with her hands behind her back. She was wearing sweat pants  and a sports bra with a hoodie unzipped. "Becky it's uh 2am what can I do for you ?" "Uh can I come in for this newbie ?" "Yeah sure cmon" Stephen motions for her too come in and shuts the door. "So what's wrong you didn't come here this late for no reason right" " yah see it's quite embarrassing but I need your help with something" Becky brings both her hands around showing a can and a can opener. Stephen can't help but laugh. "Are you still struggling with opening cans?" "Look it's not as easy as it seems okay I've been struggling with this for a while and I'm hungry so can you please give me a hand?" Stephen starts clapping "how was that??" Stephen says with his big grin and Becky shoots him a death glare. "Okay okay give it here gosh what would you do without me eh" "starve probably so get a move on" Becky says with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. Within seconds Stephen has the can open and he can't help but poke fun at her. "No way how did you do that ??" "Becky it's easy look I'll show you come here" Stephen brings a can out of his bag. Becky comes closer and stands in front of Stephen Stephen puts his arms around  her waist and on her hands which are on top of the can "so you just position it like this and you just keep turning until it's done" within seconds the second can is open "oh my god I did it yesssss" Becky says with sheer excitement in her voice and as she stops and notices the position her and Stephen are in she tilts her head until she's facing him and they both stare into the others eyes for a few minutes edging closer too each other's faces until they are  snapped back into reality  and they quickly start moving away from each other. "So uh I think I'll go eat and get some sleep thanks again newbie" Becky says flashing him a grin and rushing out the door. "Yeah you too Becky" he shouts as the door closes. This was the second time in the same day that they came close to kissing this surely wasn't a coincidence right?.

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