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Wednesday the thirtieth  of January the world was buzzing with what happened on raw two nights ago all eyes were on Stephen  and Becky after their performances but today Stephen didn't care about wrestling today was Becky's day because today was the love of his life's birthday. Stephen was going to buy tickets for the two to go see pearl jam in concert but they weren't touring anytime soon so he found the next big thing there was a pearl jam exhibit on at the staples centre in there area in LA. They were back staying at Stephens since they had no live show commitments this week it felt good too wake up in his own bed with Becky instead of a hotel room. She was still sound asleep in his arms with her head on his chest as always it was her own personal pillow as she liked too call it he carefully got up and placed her back on a pillow threw on some shorts and decided to go make his fiery red headed girlfriend some breakfast in bed. Cooking for Becky was always simple she loved toast and would it eat all day everyday if she could  so he made her some toast with poached eggs a glass of orange juice  and he placed a fresh rose on the tray with the food and made his way upstairs too her Becky was just stretching in  bed she'd only just woken up. "Good morning good looking and happy birthday!!" Thank you my love you didn't have to make me breakfast" "of course I did today is your day Becky it's not everyday you turn thirty..." "stop right there lad I'm still twenty one at heart okay" Becky and Stephen share a laugh. " so what're the plans for today are we doing anything?" "Well I have a surprise for you I know how much you love pearl jam and I wanted to take you too a concert but they aren't touring right now so I hope these are just as good" Stephen hands Becky an envelope  which she opens to find two tickets inside for a pearl jam exhibit. "OH MY GOD STEPHEN THIS IS AMAZING THANK YOU SO MUCH" Becky Jumps on Stephen and smothers him in kisses and cuddles. "Jeez I'm guessing you like the present. You know Becky as much as I enjoy seeing you naked in my bed which I can't stress enough I love" Stephen says with a cheeky smirk. "But we need to get ready to go too this exhibit. "Well maybe later I'll repay your kindness" Becky winks. They both got ready and matched a little in there clothing Becky had her cameo trousers on and Stephen went for a cameo jacket and off they went too the exhibit. They spent what felt like hours walking around the arena taking in all the different exhibits with Becky teaching him a few things about the band during there day they were stoped a couple times by fans who recognised them for pictures which they happily done Stephen and Becky shared the same joy and happiness of accepting a fans request for pictures to them it was the best part of the job. They sat down on a bench outside Stephen had his arm around her and Becky rested her head on his shoulder. "Today was probably one of my favourite birthdays I've ever had thank you so much" Becky says  and gives him a kiss on the cheek. "Well it's not over yet we've got dinner reservations later today is your day and you will be spoiled" Becky wrapped Stephen in a warm embrace."I can't wait" they went back to Stephens to get ready Becky came   out of the bedroom wearing a black dress that looked amazing on her Stephen couldn't help but just stare at her. "Is there something wrong with the dress ? I can go change into something else if it's too much" "no no course not it's your day you wear what you want god you look more amazing than usual" Becky smiled at him "you don't look too bad yourself Taylor" Stephen had on a black suit with a white dress shirt without the tie and the top button undone. "Now lets go cause I am hungry" they left and made there way too the restaurant   which wasn't your normal restaurant it was the fanciest place she'd ever laid her eyes on.They got in and Stephen pulled the chair out for her and ordered there food the conversation flowed all night then it got too a more  serious topic. "Stephen ?" "Uh Yeah Becky what's up?" They had already finished eating and were just waiting for the bill but Stephen was slightly worried about what Becky had to say the tone of her voice had changed from the rest of the night she was happy laughing and enjoying herself but that was a more serious voice she had on "can I ask you a question?" "Yeah of course you can becks what's up?" "Well you know that not long after wrestlemania we have the European tour ?" "Yeah I can't wait my first one going back home" Stephen says  with a smile trying to lighten the tense atmosphere. "Well I know we haven't been together long but I was just wondering if you would like to come with me to Ireland to meet my mum and dad and maybe my brother if he's around you know only if you want too I don't want to rush anything but I feel happy enough and I trust you enough to introduce you too them but you know it's fine if  you don't" Stephen could tell she was nervous asking that question so he took her hands in his to calm her down and reassure her. "Rebecca Quinn I would love too meet the parents behind one of the most kind,thoughtful,sweet,down to earth,funny,goofy people I've ever met." So that's a yes then right ? Cause that was a mouthful" Becky says and they both share a laugh and Stephen playfully slaps her arm. "Yes I'd love to meet them maybe while we are in the area we could go across the pond and meet mine?" "I would love nothing more Stephen." They share a sweet embrace and leave the restaurant and head home after a long busy day. As they get home and reach the bedroom Becky pushes Stephen down onto the bed" I know it's been a long day but I did promise to reward you for your efforts today" "I am not complaining becks" for the next couple hours they embarked on an intense and passionate love making until they finished and gasped for air and settled down and cuddled up to go too sleep.

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