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Wednesday April 3rd 2019

Another day another singing for Becky and Stephen today though the man known as the Glasgow warrior was in a great mood after the events of yesterday. The couple had already been at the singing for a couple hours,while Becky was signing and taking photos Stephen was mingling with some of the crowd whilst occasionally getting involved with some pictures with fans. The love and support the wrestling fans had for the couple was crazy. Whilst in the middle of a conversation with a fan Stephen heard a familiar gasp and turned around to see Becky in awe at the sight in front of her Stephens curiosity got the better of him and he decided to see what was going on. As he got closer he could see Becky was staring down at something in her arms she was absolutely beaming and finally Stephen realised why when he saw in her arms was a baby girl with one of Becky's shirts on. Stephen couldn't quite comprehend the beautiful site in front of him. Becky finally looked up at him "hey big guy meet Maddison and her mom Sarah" Maddison's hand instantly latched on to Stephens thumb while he was holding out his hand for her . "Well aren't you the cutest little thing. Great shirt too" Stephen quickly took a picture of Becky and Madison for her mother before they finally left.

Stephen and Becky stayed way longer than they were supposed to at the signing but they made sure everyone got a picture

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Stephen and Becky stayed way longer than they were supposed to at the signing but they made sure everyone got a picture. After the signing the couple headed for a local gym Stephen had been doing a lot more CrossFit lately and training with Becky's trainer he knew despite triple h's age he couldn't underestimate the game Stephen had to be at his best in every aspect. Becky like she did every gym session killed it she was determined to win the raw women's title she was determined to end rondas undefeated streak and she was determined to win the first ever women's Wrestlemania main event.

Thursday April 4th 2019

It was the day of wrestlemania axxess the busiest fan interaction event in a wwe superstars career. Stephen for a change woke up early even before Becky but she wasn't asleep for long because Stephen was like a kid at Christmas excited for the day. He instantly started shaking Becky to wake her up. "Cmon becks get up big day ahead" Becky groaned the roles where reversed for the first time. "Five more minutes Stephen please" but Stephen wouldn't give in he grabbed the blanket off of Becky and picked the Irish wrestler up off the bed and spun the two of them around. Becky groaned and slowly opened her eyes and looked up at Stephens happy face and managed to muster a smile on her tired face "Okay you big dope you can put me down now I'm awake. It's only axxess why are you so exited?" Stephen put Becky down on the edge of the bed and sat beside her while she placed her head on his shoulder. "I've always dreamed of attending this as a fan ever since I was a kid and since that was impossible growing up I'm finally going to be attending one but this time as a wrestler. I can't wait to see the fans. " Becky let out a loud yawn. "I'm just happy to see you smiling after Monday Stephen" the pair shared a quick kiss before getting showering and getting ready to leave to attend there signings. Stephen and Becky entered the building hand in hand which was fairly quiet for the time being the fans hadn't packed it out yet. one of the workers quickly grabbed Becky to have her sign something  while she was doing this she noticed Stephen walk slightly ahead and spin around looking in awe at his surroundings. Becky approached him from behind and wrapped her arms around his waist and cuddled into his back. "This is crazy becks I feel like I'm in a dream. Dream job dream life dream girlfriend I just can't believe this is real." Becky quickly spun him around and wrapped her lips onto his. "You're adorable did you know that" the couple headed off too there booth hand In hand ready to start the signings the crowd erupted when they saw the couple they quickly embarked in a she's the man chant for Becky which Stephen joined in on Becky couldn't do anything else but smile and thank everyone. An hour into the singing the couple were sat down and approached by a teenage fan and his father. Stephen and Becky shook there hands and greeted the father and son. "So what's your names?" "My names John and this is my son Andrew" a large smile instantly appeared on Stephens face "I would recognise those accents anywhere you guys came all the way here from Scotland ?" The duo nodded "I've actually just started wrestling training because of you two" The younger one of the duo spoke up "you guys have really inspired me and lot of people back home after hearing both of your stories and what you went through I just want to thank you both . You have no idea how amazing it is seeing two Europeans like yourselves doing so well in wwe I hope to one day become as good as you two" Becky began wiping away at the tears in her eyes. "That means a lot too us thank you. I hope the training goes well and hopefully we will see you soon. Let's get a photo" the couple took a photo with the duo and off they went. Stephen put a comforting hand on Becky's shoulder "you Okay ?" Becky got rid of her sniffles before finally replying. "It just never gets old hearing those stories they mean a lot honestly" "you're amazing becks you don't know it but you do a lot for these fans. " Becky kissed his cheek and they went back to there signings. Towards the end of the signings Becky was finishing off singing a photo for a fan while Stephen was sat down watching and admiring his girlfriend. He quickly grabbed his phone to try and take a sneaky photo of her but she caught him and glared at him. "Why are you taking sly photos of me you weirdo ?" Stephen couldn't help but laugh so Becky retaliated by throwing a shirt at him "oh wow real mature becks" she stuck her tongue out at him the couple were interrupted in there silly little play fight by the laughing fans still waiting in line "I'll get you later becks " Stephen said followed by a wink.
It was now late at night and Stephen and Becky had just gotten back too there hotel room exhausted after there long day of signings and interviews. Stephen collapsed onto the bed first followed by Becky collapsing on top of him. The couple just stared up at the wall unable to speak until finally Becky got on top of him. "What're you doing becks?" Stephen asked curiously Becky looked down at him with a smirk on her face. "Don't think I've forgotten your wink earlier Taylor you are going too keep your word" Stephen sat up with Becky straddling him. "With pleasure ms Quinn" despite being exhausted after arriving back Stephen and Becky sprung too life and fulfilled Stephens promise from earlier before finally drifting off too sleep for the night.

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