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It was now the day of elimination chamber Stephen and Becky had been in Houston since Saturday and for the first time in a long time Stephen was nervous about his match tonight he'd be stepping into the elimination chamber for the first time in his career it was a career changing match but he was determined nothing was stopping him from getting the moment that was taken away from him at the rumble by triple h. He hadn't forgotten that night and hadn't forgotten about triple h but tonight wasn't about triple h tonight was about him living a life long dream and becoming the first ever Scottish born wwe universal champion in wwe history he had to put triple h too the back of his mind which was a risky thing to do but he had no choice he had to put all of his concentration into tonight's match if he won he'd also be main eventing wrestlemania with his good friend Seth Rollins which was a dream match and one all the fans wanted to see and he was hell bent on making it happen. Stephen was sat on the edge of his and Becky's hotel room bed deep in thought. "You okay big guy ?" Becky asks entering the room from the bathroom snapping him out of his daze. She approached him and sat on his lap and put her arms around his neck. "I'm okay becks it's just a really big night tonight and I'm nervous as hell I've been in so many big matches in my career but this is wwe this is for the biggest tittle in the wrestling business one everyone dreams of winning growing up and I'm having doubts am I good enough to win this tonight? Could I handle the pressure of being one of the faces of the company? You know me outside the ring becks I'm really shy I've got bad aniexty and low confidence issues this is really freaking me out am I ready?" Becky could hear Stephens voice cracking up and could tell he was on the verge of tears so she pulled him into a cuddle and felt his tears rush down her chest. "Look at me big guy. You've worked your ass off since you were seventeen years old to get too this moment in time there is no one on this roster that I can think of that deserves this chance and moment more especially after the crap you were put through at the rumble no offence to Seth but as far as I'm concerned if it wasn't for hunter you would have already booked your place at wrestlemania. I believe in you your family believes in you our friends believe in you your fans believe in you it's now time you started doing the same" Stephen looked up at Becky with his tear stained face and she wiped them away from his face " I'm sorry becks for being depressing life just gets too me at times you've got your own big match with nia tonight you should be concentrating on not me" "don't be silly Stephen you can always talk too me" she places a kiss on his lips "now cmon we need to get ready too leave for the arena you've got a title to win tonight love" Becky and Stephen arrived at the arena Stephen dropped his bag off in the locker room and immediately made his way too the ring to check out the chamber. As soon as he saw it it sent chills down his spine he stepped inside the steel structure to get a feel of it. Finn joined his friend in the ring as he too was involved in the chamber tonight. Both men shook hands and sat down In the ring. "This is it finn tonight's the night the beast is getting dethroned and I am heading to wrestlemania to defend the title against Seth" Finn let out a lighthearted laugh "what do you mean? I'm heading to mania lad tonight's my night. Every man for himself right ?" Stephen and Finn stared each other down they had known each other for ten years but tonight friendship was out the window it was every man for himself but the respect was still there. They shook hands and wished each other luck and headed to the locker room to get ready and prepare themselves for tonight. Stephen was ready in his gear and walked with Becky too the curtain because her match with nia was first " are you wearing one of my hoodies becks ?" Stephen asked her looking happy about the situation "well yeah it's comfortable it smells like you it reminds me of you it's the confidence boost I need for tonight. Besides I wear your T-shirt's all the time" "Yeah at home when it's just us not in public" "Well I think everyone's knows about us by now so why not wear your hoodie. You're not getting it back by the way" they both shared a laugh "keep it just like everything else it looks better on you" he gave her a kiss and wished her good luck as she headed out Stephen watched on one of the monitors. Towards the end of the match nia picked Becky up and dropped her on one of her legs which looked like it was intentional and also Becky had an awkward landing trying to save herself. Stephen watched on the monitor with a look of worry on his face as Becky hobbled around the ring clearly in pain but managed to get nia on the canvas and submitted her with the disarmher. Stephen stood right on the edge of the curtain waiting on her coming back which took her some time but she managed to hobble through the curtain clearly In agony Stephen picked her up and took her straight too the trainers room. "Stephen it hurts badly this can't be it this can't be my wrestlemania over it can't" at this point Becky is uncontrollably crying which is breaking Stephens heart all he could do was hold her hand and reassure her. "Shh becks it's okay you'll be okay I promise no ones taking that wrestlemania match from you and I promise soon as my match finishes I'll be right too the hospital for you" Stephen kissed her forehead and watched on as the ambulance left with Becky heading too the hospital. Stephen ran into bayley and Sasha who had just won the first ever women's tag team titles and were unaware of Becky's injury he asked them if they'd go too the hospital and wait with her until his match finished which they agreed too. He rushed too catering where he caught up with Finn and Seth before his match. "Did you hear you're starting with strowman lad?" This was the first time Stephen had heard this and looked very frustrated "no I didn't but I'm not surprised I can guess who decided on this if he wants to play this game then fine it's just going to make it even better when I win tonight" Stephen marched towards the curtain awaiting his time to enter the chamber. The crowd popped as his music went off and He appeared on the stage he marched his way too the chamber and stopped just before entering eyeing it up and staring down Braun this was going to be a long night.
*45 minutes later* it was down too the final three Stephen and Braun were still in it and so was the champion lesnar two of the pods had been destroyed both times Stephen was driven right through them once by Braun and once by lensar. His body was covered in bruises and welts from this punishing matchup he'd taken the most damage out of all the competitors this couldn't be a coincidence. Stephen crawled his way into the ring from the grates outside the fans cheers were deafening for him he used the ropes to pick himself up but Braun charged right at him Stephen dodged Braun and rolled him up for the three count. This was it he was down to lesnar Stephen picked himself up and used the crowds cheers too his advantage and started to get a second wind. Just as he was approaching lesnar the lights went out before finally coming back on again but before he could do anything a familiar steel feeling connected with the back of his skull and everything after that was a blur. The crowd booed and booed but it didn't faze triple h he trapped Stephens arms in the cage and delivered numerous punches to Stephens already bloody face and one final blow with the hammer saw Stephens body go limp. The crowd were shocked and silent this was a sickening and horrible assault. Triple h threw Stephens lifeless body in the ring and brock pinned him for the three count. The whole arena was stunned.

Stephens pov
My eyes were open but the blood covering my face was effecting my vision but I knew what had just gone on. I heard some of the doctors come in and and they cleaned my face with a towel I could finally see again. I sat up in the ring and looked around the arena the crowd began applauding me as I was helped too my feet I just wanted out of there this whole night had become a big disappointment and I was just getting more frustrated. I had to get out of there before I done something I regretted.

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