Chapter 3

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Thank you so much to lillyana123098 for this gorgeous picture. 


The dark circles under my eyes were starting to worry me. 

I had woken up at four in the morning to fly over in time for the meeting, and since I couldn't sleep on planes, I was functioning on three hours of sleep.

"You look like death," Meredith chirped from her side of the car.

Unlike me, she was refreshed and ready to take on the world. Not only was she a morning person, but she was also able to sleep on the four-hour flight on top of her six hours of sleep.

I was only a little jealous.

"I feel like death too," I groaned, pulling my sunglasses back over my eyes.

She grinned, "Is your evil twin going to make an appearance?"

"If someone rubs me the wrong way, then yes."

The smile on her face was unnerving. 

"I don't like that look on your–"

"Look!" She cut me off, slapping my arm in excitement, "We're here!"

My eyes immediately darted to the windshield and sighed in relief as the manor became more visible as we got closer. The faster we got through this meeting, the faster I could go back to the Coven. I was never comfortable leaving it for long when I had to make unexpected trips.

The driver pulled into the driveway and up to the front of the house where the Minister waited to greet us. I plastered the most genuine smile I could muster on my face and got out of the car with Meredith behind me after thanking the driver. 

"Ah, Jaslynn, so wonderful to see you," the Minister exclaimed cheerfully, kissing my cheeks.

He was a small, stubby man with a white beard that he occasionally liked to grow out. Meredith liked to call him the smaller version of Santa Claus because of his appearance and his love for children.

I didn't know how old he was, all I knew was that he was there when my great-grandfather was born. That was also probably why my entire family had a close relationship with him and why he treated me as another granddaughter. 

"How are you, Minister?" I greeted, bending over to give him a brief hug, "Ready for retirement yet?"

He threw his head back and let out a full-bellied laugh, his eyes sparkling with merriment, "Not for a couple more centuries, I'm afraid. I'm not ready to let you youngsters take control."

"We're not that bad," I grinned, "Maybe a bit wild, but we know how to hold our own."

The Minister shook his head, "Whatever you say, Jaslynn. I'm still sticking around to keep an eye on all of you."

Before I could give a retort, Meredith came out of nowhere and grabbed the poor man's hand and started shaking it furiously, "Minister, it is a complete and utter pleasure to see you again. How are you doing?"

The Minister wasn't surprised by Meredith's enthusiasm, seeing as she did this every year. He was her idol, and she was completely starstruck by him every time.

"I'm doing fine, my darling, although my hand does feel a little numb," he smiled kindly.

Meredith stared at him like a deer in the headlights until she realized that she was still shaking his hand. She flushed and let go of his hand abruptly, "Sorry, Minister."

He chuckled lightly and turned his attention to both of us, "Because we are still waiting on Alpha Alrik, who should be arriving by the afternoon, we will have the meeting in the evening. So in the meanwhile, take some rest and be down for lunch. Helene has prepared a feast for all of you to enjoy."

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