Chapter 27

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Before the Minister could reply, the door swung open again as Alrik popped his head with a concerned expression on his face.

"There was an attack at my pack at dawn, and three of my warriors were killed. Apparently, Malcolm was trying to break Ester and Bartholomew out of prison," he said, glancing at his phone as it beeped again, "My commander ended up knocking both of them out again so we will have to wait a bit before we get any more information."

My heart was slowly dropping to a pit in my stomach. 

Three warriors were killed. Three men or women were not making it back to their families today, and it was all because of Malcolm. Who knew how many more would be killed if Malcolm continued like this?

The Minister nodded, "If you have to take care of other things now, Alpha Alrik, you may go. Jaslynn and I will fill you in on what we discuss later."

I heard the door shut behind me, and I raised my head to stare at the Minister again, "Do you understand why I want to go by myself?"

"Jaslynn, going by yourself isn't going to stop Malcolm," he explained, pouring himself a glass of whiskey before offering me a glass. I shook my head, "It's not about stopping Malcolm. It's about preventing the deaths of all the innocent people."

"Precisely my point, he won't stop his killing sprees if you're not around."

"Minister, if Malcolm gets his hands on the book, the first person he is coming after is me."

"I don't follow, Jaslynn. That doesn't explain why you want to go by yourself. It sounds like you're trying to make yourself a sacrificial lamb, which I will never allow."

I sighed, "What are our options? We can't just send anyone to go destroy the book. It's between me and Alrik because the two of us cannot go together. Malcolm has already started targeting his pack and he will probably start attacking the coven when he's ready. Seeing as we are both leaders, one of us has to stay back to protect our people, and if one of us goes, there is a high chance that we will not survive if we do not find a solution to the rogue dragons."

The Minister was silent.

"Minister, we both knew for the longest time that Malcolm would come back," I said quietly, using his silence as confirmation that I should continue, "That was why I trained Meredith to take over the Imperium Coven if anything ever happened to me. I've been ready for this, but Alrik...I don't think so. Plus, there are so many more people that depend on him than they depend on me. Isn't that why he's known as the king?"

He exhaled loudly and threw the glass of whiskey back like it was shot.

 "I see your point," he conceded, "But there is one issue you haven't thought of."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Which is?"

"That mark on your neck," he said, gesturing to my neck with his glass. My hand immediately flew up to feel the indents in my skin.

"Let's say you do go," he stood from his chair and walked around, "Moon Goddes forbid, you are killed. What does that mean for Alrik? Do you know the significance of that mark?"

I swallowed hard, "If I'm killed, he'll be in a worse condition than Reece."

"Exactly, and from what Alrik has told us, his commander hasn't recovered completely even after knowing her mate is still out there. That is how much damage a wolf faces after losing their mate, and since Alrik marked you, who knows the extent of the trauma he'll face?"

"Isn't it vice versa? Wouldn't I feel the same pain if he died?"

"You would," he agreed, "But my point is, if something happened to you, Alrik would be incapable of leading his pack in his mourning."

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