Chapter 7

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"Jaslynn, Mr. Amos has asked for you."

I got up from my seat and followed the nurse to his room. The hospital was quiet, not a witch or wizard in sight. It was almost as if they were in mourning just like the rest of the coven.

There was a lump in my throat that would not disappear no matter how much I tried. I didn't want to cry, especially since he made me promise that I would not mourn.

The nurse opened the door and gestured for me to enter, and I stepped inside and shut the door behind me gently. 

The sight before me almost had me fall to my knees. 

My brave guardian, the one who had fought thousands of demons, the one who never let people see his weaknesses, the one who had escaped death numerous times before, was now laying on his death bed.

"Jaslynn," he said softly, "Come closer. I cannot see your face, dear."

I approached his bed and sat on the edge, taking his frail hand in mine. He squeezed it tightly and gave me a weak smile, "Do not look so forlorn. I always told you that someday the Goddess will call for me."

"I just wish–"

"Hush," he placed his other hand on top of mine, "Whatever happened was no one's fault. We will not speak of that ever. "

"Uncle Amos," I whispered, studying his pale, weary face, "The Minister told me you had one last task for me. What is it?" 

He curled his finger in a come hither motion, and I leaned over so I could hear him.

"Malcolm was angry because he wanted the book."

My eyes widened, "The book? As in–"

"Yes, I refused to tell him where it is and that is how I ended up here. Jaslynn, whatever happens from here on out, you cannot let Malcolm find the book," he rasped.

"D-does he know where it is yet? Has he found it?"

Uncle Amos shook his head, "The only witch in existence who knows is my mother. But Jaslynn, I haven't seen her in eons. You must find her, tell her I sent you, and destroy the book when you find it. The world has changed, Malcolm will not be the last one to look for the book."

"Where can I find her?"

"I left a map in the secret compartment of my desk along with a letter with everything you need to know. I knew this day would come, and now I have faith in you to fulfill my last request."

He lifted a hand and placed it on the top of my head, "You have been a joy in my life. The best apprentice I have ever had. I know you will succeed in whatever you wish to do in life. I leave the coven in your hands and will leave peacefully knowing that you'll take care of it. Do I have your word?"

I grabbed the hand on my head in both of mine and squeezed it, "You have my word."

A tiny smile graced his face, "Then go, Jaslynn. Don't wait for me. I'll be watching from above."


My eyes fluttered open, and I let out a soft sigh when I realized that I had the dream once again. It came back to haunt me several times, and Uncle Amos' words would echo through my head for the rest of the day.

Fortunately for me, today was the day we started the search. It had taken a week and a half to plan and prepare, and I had a strong group of witches and wizards accompanying me. Meanwhile, Meredith would stay behind to take care of the coven in my absence.

I glanced at my clock and tumbled out of bed, fixing the long t-shirt I was wearing before checking my hair in the mirror.

I wasn't in a rush to get ready for the day. This was most likely the last time I would have my own clean bathroom for a while. That was why it took me about an hour to escape the steamy bathroom after enjoying a hot shower.

I wrapped the towel around myself and exited the bathroom, satisfied with how clean and awake I felt.

"This wasn't the welcome I expected."

I squeaked in surprise and slipped on the wood flooring as I turned around to face the owner of the voice. A pair of hands grabbed me by the waist before I face planted the floor and placed me back on my feet.

My eyes widened at the sight of a familiar black shirt, smooth bronze skin,  and the tattoo that curled into hiding.

What was he doing here? I hadn't heard from him since I left the Minister's house.

I didn't raise my head to look at his face as embarrassment crawled over me at our position. 

His hands were gripping my bare curves and holding me up and against him while my towel was on the floor, covering my foot. 

Unfortunately for me, my body was enjoying the feel of his body against mine a little too much. I could feel the little pink peaks on my chest harden at the friction of his chest against mine.

I swallowed hard and slowly looked up to find him staring down at me curiously, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

He let go of me and crouched without breaking eye contact to grab my towel off the floor. 

"Or maybe I shouldn't be expecting a welcome at all," he said, wrapping the towel around my body and tucking the end in so it wouldn't fall.

I had to admit that I was impressed that he didn't look down at all while he did all that.

"Thank you," I said softly, "I was not expecting you here. At all."

"I thought so. Your friend seemed all too eager to send me up here when I insisted on waiting for you downstairs."

I made a mental reminder to murder Meredith on my way out.

"I hate to sound rude, but what are you doing here?" I asked as I walked around him to get to my closet.

He turned around partially so I could see the side of his head, "I called a few days ago, and your friend said you were leaving today. I was wondering if you would be willing to accommodate a few more people."

I slipped my sundress on and shut the closet door, "A few more people as in you and some of your pack warriors?"

He turned around completely when he noticed I was dressed and cocked his head, "Me, my commander, and a few pack warriors. If that's okay with you, of course."

I wasn't quite sure what he was playing at or if I should trust him, but I was pleased that he wanted to help me, and he did seem sincere. He may be expecting something in return, but I could think about it later, this journey was more important to worry about.

"Who's taking care of your pack?"

"My Beta and my father. Why so many questions?"

I smiled, "I had to make sure you weren't dropping everything just for this. You're still a leader at the end of the day."

"They are aware of what they have to do. My pack is in good hands."

"Good to know," my smile broadened, "Welcome to the crew."

It's not mushy gushy yet, let me just warn you. We have a while to go before we get to the romantic stage. But what do you guys think convinced Alrik to join her? Do you think she was right to let him come along? How do you guys feel about both of them?

Love you all! *mwah*

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