Chapter 37

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The Moon Goddess was apparently trying to give everyone a heart attack

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The Moon Goddess was apparently trying to give everyone a heart attack.

I rushed forward and grabbed Jaslynn's head, bringing it down so I could see her face properly and shoving Jefferson off the platform in the process.

Her damp curls were matted to her pale skin, and little beads of sweat were forming across her forehead and upper lip. 

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I cursed under my breath, wrapping an arm around her limp body to hold her up as I leaned over to break the shackles around her arms.

Just as my claw extended to crush the metal, a soft voice commanded my attention, "Reece."

I froze and directed my gaze to the witch in my arm, "Jaslynn?"

"Reece," she whispered hoarsely, her eyes fluttering open to stare at me weakly, "If you break those chains, I'll never forgive you."

"But Jaslynn–"

She shook her head stubbornly, "I am not going anywhere, Reece. Don't you even dare."

Going into heat was a punishment in itself. The whole process was vicious and draining for any she-wolf no matter how strong she was, and Jaslynn's stubbornness was going to get herself killed if she didn't allow herself to get the proper care.

 The typical procedure for a punished she-wolf in her heat was to move her to one of the barracks, where she would stay for the duration of her cycle under the care of a nurse. But by her words, I knew Jaslynn would not let me move her to the barracks either.

I swallowed hard and glanced at the chains, "At least let me lower you. You're in no position to hang like this."

"That I will agree to," she muttered, the smallest smile curving on her lips.

I exhaled deeply and nodded before tugging the chains to drop her onto the platform gently. Then, I smooshed her blanket into a makeshift pillow and pushed it under her head so it didn't have to rest on the hard dirty platform.

There was a growl behind me, and I realized Jefferson was still standing behind us in a half-shifted state, his wolf alert because of the heat-stricken female before him.

I straightened and spun around to bark at him, "Jefferson, snap out of it and get the fuck out of here. This is your Luna."

The term 'Luna' must have registered in his mind because he bowed his head in shame and scurried away, probably to compose himself. I rolled my eyes and opened the pack mindlink, "All unmated pack warriors guarding sector three are dismissed. Twelve mated warriors are to report to sector three in five minutes."

As soon as I relayed the message to the pack, I pushed through to Conrad's mate, "Cecilia, Jaslynn is in her heat. I'm going to need some help here."

"I'm on my way," she replied immediately.


I turned around and crouched beside her, "Yes, Jas?" 

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