Chapter 19

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The sunlight that was able to sneak past the canopy of trees landed right on my face at the perfect angle to wake me up. I crinkled my nose and turned onto my side, curling up into the snoring mountain of warmth beside me.

I could definitely get used to sleeping like this. Alrik was easy to cuddle, the perfect pillow, and very...furry

My eyes fluttered open, and I couldn't help but blink a few times as I tried to comprehend my position.

I was cuddling with an enormous black wolf.

When realization finally hit me, I let out a shriek and startled the sleeping wolf from his heavy slumber. He was on his feet before I knew it and standing over my body with a paw placed on my chest to hold me down. He growled fiercely, his eyes scanning the woods around us and his ears twitching as if he was listening for any suspicious noises. When he was satisfied with his search of our surroundings, he stepped away and let me sit up.

Although Alrik had shifted into his wolf before, this was the first time I was able to study him closely. His black fur was thick and glossy just like Alrik's hair, and his eyes were a few shades lighter than Alrik's so they almost looked silver instead of a stormy gray.

That was when I noticed the glint in his eyes that made him appear a lot more friendly and playful than Alrik did.

And my thoughts were confirmed when he stepped forward and licked my face, causing me to laugh at the rough, tickly sensation. I grabbed his muzzle between my hands, "Oh my goodness, you are so cute! And here I thought you would have a stick up your ass just like Alrik."

His wolf blinked, seemingly taken aback my words, before he bared his teeth at me and growled in an unthreatening manner. He moved away from me, and I realized what was about to happen and shut my eyes just in time as he shifted back to what I knew was going to be a completely naked Alpha male.

A part of me wanted a little peek, but the rest of me wanted to respect Alrik's privacy just like he did mine when my towel dropped so I waited quietly.

"You can open your eyes now," his gruff morning voice broke the silence.

I cracked an eye open and saw that he already had his pants on and was pulling his shirt over his head, "Your wolf seems so much nicer compared to you. And cuter."

Alrik raised his head and glared at me, "How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not cute? If you knew half the things I did and half the things I want to do to you, then cute would be the last word on your mind."

Somehow every conversation we had turned in this direction– there was that much sexual tension between us, and one day I was sure we would rip each other's clothes off and not be able to stop.

I cleared my throat and stood up, "When you said 'things I did' do you mean things you did with other women?"

"You said it. I didn't."

I wasn't jealous. I wasn't jealous at all. This was a century ago. I shouldn't be jealous. It wasn't like I didn't do things with other men.

 "That's nice," I shrugged nonchalantly, brushing the dirt off my clothes, "I hope you have experience with tying women up though. This one man I slept with tied me up, and it was quite possibly the best night of my life."

The last part was an embellishment. I didn't even orgasm, but Alrik didn't need to know that. The immature side of me was enjoying the snarl forming on his face.

I picked my bag up and swiveled on my heel to walk away but a warm hand gripped my bicep and yanked me back. My eyes trailed up the tense figure to the face of the furious Alpha.

The Alpha's Little Witch | Completed ✔️Where stories live. Discover now