Chapter 18

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This trip was detrimental to my health.

I was sure the Moon Goddess was laughing at my pain every time I was forced to put some distance between me and the woman beside me. It might be the mate bond, but I found it difficult to keep my hands away from her. Every encounter we had just made her more irresistible. 

I loved riling her up so she would snap back with a quick-witted remark that would make my blood boil with desire. No matter how physically attractive she was, it was her intelligence that drove me over the edge.

I didn't need a woman that could only walk the walk and be perfect arm candy. I needed one that could talk the talk too, and Jaslynn was exactly that and more. She was the perfect leader to have by my side– classy, confident, and quick on her feet. 

"Are you going to stare at me or are you going to help me push this boat?" 

I blinked and realized that she was still struggling to push the boat onto the sand while I stood there in my own world like a lovesick fool.

"Step away," I grumbled, gently shoving her to the side. She huffed and watched me push the boat onto the sand with ease in seconds. I brushed my hands off and raised an eyebrow at her exasperated face, "What? If you wanted to do it yourself, you should have used your wand like that fairy godmother from Cinderella."

"The fairy godmother from Cinderella? Do I look like an old lady that can fly to you?" She asked, her hickory colored eyes narrowing on my face and daring me to answer.

I grunted, "You get offended when I call you a fairy, but you can call me a dog. The double standards in this relationship are atrocious."

"But I like dogs," she exclaimed, clearly exasperated, "They're cute and cuddly."

My wolf did not appreciate her comments and neither did I. He was offended that she thought he was cute– that was something someone would say about a pup. 

And I was an Alpha wolf.

"I. Am. Not. Cute," I growled out, pausing between each word for emphasis, "Or cuddly."

She tried to hide the mirth on her face but failed miserably, "Did I hit a soft spot?" 

I snarled and bent over, wrapping my arms around her legs and hoisting her over my shoulder. She let out a loud squeal, and I tightened my arms around her, placing a hand on her ass to steady her as she squirmed.


I picked up our bags with my free hand, put them on my other shoulder, and started walking towards the mass of trees.

"This is–"

Before I realized what I was doing, I raised the hand on her ass and spanked her, surprising both her and myself. 

She really did bring out another side of me. 

I put her down and was even more shocked to see her blushing furiously, refusing to look me in the eye. 

 "Did I hit a soft spot?" I asked with an amused smirk, using her silence as an opportunity to get her back.

She glared at me, "You–you–ARGH!" 

I chuckled under my breath as she grabbed her bag from me and walked away. 


"Do you know where we are?" I asked, climbing over another fallen tree.

It seemed like all we were doing was climbing over fallen trees in the middle of a huge forest. There seemed to be no civilization on this island whatsoever.

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