Bonus Chapter #4 (new)

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All you need to know here is that Jaslynn is not pregnant and there are no kids yet.



It was eleven o'clock at night, and Alrik was nowhere to be found

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It was eleven o'clock at night, and Alrik was nowhere to be found.

I paced around the living room, glancing back and forth between my dark phone screen and the dark outdoors with the hope that a sign of life would appear in one of them.

We should have been having our late night dessert in bed by now, but instead, I was still dressed and waiting to have dinner with a man who was four hours late. The excitement I had felt when the clock had struck seven had slowly faded to anger before worry and frustration took its place as one hour turned into several.

I wrung the belt on my robe before I grabbed my phone and dialed Reece for the tenth time that night. The moment she answered, I began unloading my frustration before she could speak, "How can two grown men basically disappear from the face of the earth? No texts! No calls! No mind links! Are they dead, alive, hurt, ON THE RUN, ELOPING BECAUSE THEY HAD A SECRET LOVE AFFAIR? WHERE THE FUCK IS MY MATE, REECE?"

"I would have to be a special type of asshole to elope on our anniversary."

I whirled around and narrowed my eyes at the bane of my existence standing in the entrance with an innocent smile on his face as if nothing was wrong.

Over the phone, Reece cleared her throat, "I was going to tell you that he was here, but you–well, yeah, now you know. Bye!"

She ended the call before I could blink like she knew I was moments from erupting.

I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly, tossing my phone on the table and marching into the kitchen.

Don't strangle him. Don't strangle him. Don't strangle him.


I spun around on my heel and pointed a finger at him, stepping back as I realized he was right behind me, "Stop. Don't 'kroshka' me!"

I hated how delectable he looked in that suit. It made it so much harder to stay angry when all I wanted to do was rip his clothes off and make up for the time we had lost.

His eyes traveled from my finger to my face as if he was not quite sure what to do, and I turned back around only to grit my teeth at the now cold candlelight dinner set up.

So much for the homemade pelmeni (Russian dumplings) I had slaved over for nearly three hours.

"Jaslynn, listen. I know you're angry."

"Angry?" I snapped, "There aren't enough words to describe how I feel right now. I'm frustrated, pissed, hungry, tired, hurt, and you have the audacity to stand there all cool and collected when you know I was worried sick. You didn't bother to even check in with me and let me know you were okay."

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