Chapter 36

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Gorgeous graphics by PRosee. 

Five days had inched by before I knew it

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Five days had inched by before I knew it.

Surprisingly, I wasn't as bored as I imagined myself to be, and the credit would have to go to my little support group– Reece, Alma, Beta Conrad, and his mate, Cecilia– who had taken it upon themselves to visit whenever they could with the latest news and bring me meals so I didn't starve to death. 

Apart from their familiar faces every day, several pack members, who had not been present when I was convicted, came to greet me and pay their respects which I appreciated tremendously.

At least they had the guts to look me in the face, unlike a certain Alpha.

I glanced at the blanket that was laying in a heap by my feet and exhaled deeply, blowing a strand of hair away from my face. 

The morning I found the blanket, it was laying on the floor, and my gut immediately alarmed me that the large gray woolen cloth belonged to Alrik. Reece confirmed my hypothesis when she stared at the blanket in complete disbelief before offering to wrap it around me again. 

I had refused and told her, "If he wants me to wear that blanket, he better come put it on me himself."

And that he did. 

Every night since then, Alrik waited until I was asleep to come and shield my body once more so the bitter winds of the night wouldn't bother me. 

But as much as I appreciated the gesture, I did not want him to avoid me any more, hence why I was wide awake at two in the morning, waiting impatiently for a certain werewolf to turn the corner.

And luckily, I didn't have to wait long at all. 

His wolf sprinted around the corner excitedly as if he had been anticipating the moment for a long time. But as soon as his eyes landed on my face, he skidded to a stop and stared at me like a wolf in the headlights.

Someone was clearly expecting me to be knocked out.

I raised an eyebrow as he took a step back hesitantly like he was waiting for me to bark at him for coming. As he scrambled to turn around and run back, I cleared my throat loudly, causing him to freeze with his paw in mid-air.

"You're going to leave without even saying hello?"

It was silent for a brief moment.

I was about to call for him again when he slowly circled around and padded over to me with caution, studying my reaction for any sort of animosity. My facial expression remained neutral because I did not intend to scare him away, and Alrik appeared to take that as a good sign.

He climbed the wooden platform and picked the blanket up with his muzzle before getting on his hind legs to nudge it around my shoulders. His velvety muzzle grazed my skin, and his coarse fur tickled my neck as he sniffed me and let out a soft growl of satisfaction.

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