Chapter 25

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Four days later...


"Meredith is going to be so mad," I muttered as we drove up to the Minister's house. I hadn't had any communication with her since we left so she was probably worried sick, and now I was going to meet her idol without her. 

Alrik glanced at me from the corner of her eye, "You think your friend is upset? Did you see the way Reece glared at me when I sent her back to the pack with the rest of the warriors? I won't hear the end of it when I return."

I furrowed my eyebrows in thought, "I never asked you this but what is the name of your pack?"

"You've heard of me but you haven't heard of my pack?" 

"Even if I did hear the name, I didn't care to remember it. The only name I kept in mind was yours because you always ditch the annual meetings," I said, giving him a pointed look.

He snorted, "Those annual meetings are useless. The Minister doesn't stop chattering, all the other leaders are airheads, and none of the discussions benefit werewolves so I find attending pointless."

"They're not airheads!"

"Really? Did you see how they all refused to help you?"

"If that's how we're judging, then you're an airhead too."

"The point is," he said loudly, ignoring my statement, "Even if they came on this journey, they probably wouldn't have been helpful. They would be too busy trying to take charge because their pride doesn't allow them to be submissive."

"You know, you were actually a lot more submissive than I thought you would be," I hummed, smirking as the tips of his ears turned pink. Ever since I discovered his ears turn pink when he's embarrassed, I had been doing everything in my power to make it happen over and over again. It was amusing to think he wasn't as stoic as he portrayed himself to be. 

While he grumbled to himself, I realized there was something odd about his ear.

"Wait, is that a hole in your ear? You have an ear piercing?" I asked incredulously, gently poking his earlobe.

He chuckled and shoved my hand away, "Would you believe it if I told you I have a lip piercing as well?"

My mouth fell open, "You do? Why did you take them out?"

The mental image of Alrik with piercings was very gratifying. Just the thought of him biting his lip with a lip ring on had me squeezing my thighs together. The man was already too attractive for his own good, add in the piercings and I would never let him leave my bed.

–He wasn't the only one with a possessive streak.

"I didn't think it was professional," he shrugged, "I had them done when I went through a rebellious phase in my life."

"Considering how old you are, I didn't even think you went through a rebellious phase. You act as if you were born ancient."

"Right," he scoffed, "That's why I always talk about pinning you against the closest flat surface and fucking you till you walk bow-legged. If my ancestors heard half the things I say to you, they would be rising from their graves to give me an earful about propriety and decorum."

"I don't really mind the things you say," I muttered, not intending for him to hear.

"I know. I can smell your arousal."

The hint of smugness in his tone made me roll my eyes, "As I've said before–"

"–you are a female who knows what she wants," he finished for me, "Whenever you say that, it sounds like you want to be the dominant one."

"You can't lie and say that wouldn't be enjoyable," I pointed out, reminding him of a certain scene on the ship when I took charge.

"I won't lie. I'm only saying I believe you would have a lot more fun than you want to let on if I tied you up and spanked you until you dripped onto the sheets. I do recall you saying you enjoyed being tied up."

My cheeks were burning in both embarrassment and frustration. The way he used his crude words to his advantage was unfair. Why should I be the only one that was hot and bothered?

As Alrik pulled into the driveway of the Minister's house and parked, I leaned over the console and grabbed him by the drawstrings of his sweatshirt, yanking him toward me.

"This isn't over," I whispered, narrowing my eyes at him. 

"Of course it isn't, Ms. Beaumont," his eyes and voice were filled with mirth as if he could see how irritated I was.

I moved closer and brushed my lips against him, causing him to stiffen. There was barely a whisper of air between us as he inched closed like he was waiting for me to kiss him first.

My lips twitched into a smirk, and I gently took his bottom lip between my teeth and tugged, enjoying the sparks that were erupting where we touched. The marking had definitely heightened the sensations I felt whenever he was close.

My teeth clenched his lip a little tighter, and he let out a soft, sensual moan that made me shiver as his chest vibrated under my fingertips.

I was so going to regret this later.

I pulled away quickly, unbuckled my seatbelt, and escaped into the cold morning air, leaving Alrik with his eyes wide open and his lips still parted.

I could hardly suppress my laughter as he slowly turned his head to glare at me through the windshield. 

"Should I come back later, my dear? You and Alpha Alrik seem a bit preoccupied."

I spun around and squeaked in surprise, "Minister!"

His eyes were darting back and forth between Alrik and I before they landed on my mark. He raised an eyebrow but didn't question me as Alrik approached us, "Minister."

"Alpha Alrik," the Minister greeted pleasantly, shaking his hand, "The two of you look....look–"

He scanned our clothes and dirty appearance and turned around, "Perhaps it would be best if you cleaned up and changed before we discussed anything. You both smell like jungle animals."

"Yes, please. I need a hot shower," I agreed, following him up the stairs and through the front door. When we entered the house, the Minister's wife was waiting for us in the foyer, and she ran forward to hug me.

"Jaslynn, you," her nose crinkled in disgust, "You are in desperate need of a shower. Goodness gracious, child. What were you doing? Rolling in the dirt?"

"No, they were rolling in the car," the Minister added good-naturedly, giving me a knowing look.

My face heated up as Helene's eyes found my mark immediately, "Well, I'll be."

Then, she noticed Alrik standing behind me, "Alpha Alrik!" 

"Helene," he said, bending over to kiss her cheeks, "You look well."

"Yes, well having so many special guests and my son over definitely brings my spirits up," she smiled gleefully. 

My eyes widened, "Dario's here?"

"I am."

My head snapped to the staircase where a familiar, friendly face was descending. He grinned broadly when our eyes met, 

"It's been a while, little angel."

Meet Dario :) The next chapter is going to be *coughs* 🔥 I mean, no spoilers. But who do you think he is? And why do you think they're at the Minister's house? I just wanted a short, sweet chapter today since yesterday's was a little crazy.

ALSO, Alrik with piercings? Should he wear them?



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