Chapter 51

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Her beautiful brown eyes were suddenly blurred by the mist of her tears

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Her beautiful brown eyes were suddenly blurred by the mist of her tears.

"Dario, are you sure?" She asked, her voice cracking as the smile grew on his face.

"I'm absolutely sure. This staff has so much more power than any wand. Malcolm won't even stand a chance if he fights you," he said, handing it to her carefully.

She ran her fingers along the crevices and over the sharp points at the top that were visibly crackling with energy. 

"I'm going to give him hell," she muttered in a murderous tone.

Little did she know, she was already giving my dick hell.

There was something about seeing her in her element that set me on fire and made my chest swell with affection. It was not necessarily the violence in her, but the fearless and dominant parts of her. 

"I know you will. The same way you killed that vile bloodsucker that held me hostage," Dario said proudly, ruffling her hair a little, "Now, I need to go take care of some things for my father's memorial so I'll see you two in an hour."

He gave me a nod and slipped out of the room in a rush, and Jaslynn turned to me, "How about we go eat brunch?"

The corner of my lips twitched, and she pointed a finger at me as soon as she noticed, "I mean real food. I'm already sore as it is."

I chuckled and took her free hand, "Let's make a visit to the dining room then. I was thinking we could make some new memories in that place by fu–"

"Alrik! Food!"



The hour whizzed by with Jaslynn and I discussing battle strategies and torture methods for Malcolm over crêpes and coffee. By the time we were done, I was sure that every maid in our vicinity was tramautized and terrified by our enthusiastic discussions.

"Do you think it would be odd if I took his teeth and turned them into a necklace?" Jaslynn asked, deep in thought as we trudged back to the conference room.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why his teeth?"

"Because he has a very punchable face. You should see him when he smiles. It makes my blood boil when I think of how smug he must be knowing that the Minister is gone."

Her nails were digging into my palm, and I pressed a kiss to the back of her hand, "We'll wipe it from his face, and you can take as many teeth as you would like as long as his body ends up in hell with the rest of them."

"I hope everything goes by plan," she said softly as we got closer to the conference room, "I just have a weird feeling in my stomach."

"It's probably just battle jitters or you're feeling dick-deprived," I smirked, trying to lighten her mood. 

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