Chapter 56

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A cool breeze tickled my arms, causing me to wrinkle my nose and curl up closer to the warmth beneath me

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A cool breeze tickled my arms, causing me to wrinkle my nose and curl up closer to the warmth beneath me. I moved my legs upward to cuddle closer, but my toes got entangled in the holes of the net.


My eyes shot open, and I found myself staring at the wall of what appeared to be a cabin by the rich brown colored planks. Blinking a few times to make sure my eyes weren't betraying me, I sat up slowly and stared down at the person who had their arms wrapped around me tightly.


He groaned and murmured something about wanting to sleep while I took a moment to take note of our surroundings.

We were laying in a hammock on the porch of a cabin in the middle of a gigantic field of tall grass and wildflowers. There was no sign of civilization– just a few birds chirping in the distance and two deer parading through the field to chase after a little monarch butterfly.

The view would have been stunning if I wasn't panicking about where we were.

I shook Alrik's shoulder furiously, "Alrik, wake up. Where are we?" 

The troubled tone I used was enough to rouse him from his slumber and force him to take a good look at where we were.

As he studied the field, he raked a hand through his hair, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion before he finally turned his head back to me, "I don't remember dying, do you?"

"All I remember is killing Malcolm off," I muttered, laying my head on his chest once again, "Who could have killed us?"

"That's a good question," he said, pushing off one of the beams of the porch so the hammock swayed, "Meredith is in charge of your coven if something happens, right?"

"Yes, what about you? Does Reece become Alpha?"

"Either her or Aleksei if she doesn't want the position," he sighed.

We remained silent for a few moments, digesting our status before Alrik twirled his fingers through my hair and smiled comfortingly, "Well, you're here with me so I can't complain much."

His hand trailed down to give my ass a soft squeeze, and I slapped it away, "We apparently just died, and you're already pawing at me."

He smirked against my temple, "I feel that we should take advantage of our isolation. It's not like anyone will be interrupting us. "


We immediately scrambled out of the hammock to stare at our guest – an elderly man with snowy hair and piercing gray eyes that were the key to identifying who he was. 

His grandfather.

Alrik inhaled sharply, his eyes wide, "Dedushka? How–you–"

"Hello, boy. It has been a while," his grandfather smiled kindly, opening his arms for an embrace that Alrik reciprocated instantly.

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