Chapter 42

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The Minister whipped around and plunged his staff in the ground, creating a small tremor as he yelled, "Indespectus clypeus!"

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The Minister whipped around and plunged his staff in the ground, creating a small tremor as he yelled, "Indespectus clypeus!"

His dragon comrades dropped to their knees as the circular shield glided over their heads and glazed their vicinity like icing on a donut. The rogue dragons squawked in confusion and flew in ovals, trying to spot the group again.

 "We're going to have to split up," The Minister muttered, glaring up at the troublesome creatures, "Trevor, Alessandro, and Sergio, you will fly up and try to hold them off. Leon, Max, you will guard me while I enter the cave and try to dig up the book."

"What the fuck happened?" Sergio yelled over the screeching of the dragons, "I thought we made a deal with them."

The Minister sighed as he noticed a figure on top of one of the dragons, "I was expecting this, men. They were probably bribed with a better deal. Rogue dragons aren't exactly logical creatures."

Leon cursed under his breath and turned to three of his fellow warriors, "Go. Hold them off."

At the command of their leader, the warriors nodded and shifted, their brilliant wings emerging from their backs covered in vibrant colored scales as the rest of their bodies morphed into long, muscled reptiles.

They took off and soared toward the rogue dragons, their dark blue scales a stark contrast against the fiery red plates of the rogues, and when they collided, it seemed to be a battle against night and day.

"Follow me," The Minister urged, plucking his staff from the ground and dissolving the invisibility shield. The three of them rushed around the umpteenth bend in the mountain and found themselves sliding down a gravel pathway into a deep chasm.

Although the abyss was deep, it was not very long so the area they needed scout for the entrance was small. Leon and Max began shoving boulders aside with all their strength as the Minister studied the map of the cave to figure out the exact location of where the book was buried. 

It appeared to rest at the center of a semi-circle of stalagmites, and he knew that if the cave had been harmed over the years, finding a stalagmite formation of that sort would be difficult.


He raised his head and found the two dragon warriors waving excitedly near the end of the chasm. They were pointing at a narrow burrow that the Minister could not possibly fit into.

"One of you will have to enter," he ordered, "Take the map and look for any stalagmites that fit the formation on the map. Hurry."

"I'm on it," Max said, grabbing the map and crawling into the burrow as rocks and dust followed in his wake. 

The Minister glanced at the opening of the chasm, listening to the roars and grunts of the dragons as they fought, "Leon, keep an eye out at the end. If the rogues have outnumbered us, it won't be long before they show up."

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