Chapter 49

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Inhaling and exhaling were suddenly voluntary tasks

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Inhaling and exhaling were suddenly voluntary tasks.

It almost felt like time had come to a standstill as the two of us stood there gaping at each other– one shocked for uttering the confession, the other shocked by hearing the confession.

As my eyes bore into his gray depths, it was like I was sucked into a vortex of memories.

"My bitch."

"At least I know you have some sort of feelings for me."

"I need you. I'm not fine without you."

"I don't know how to apologize to you for everything."

"I won't hold you back if you wish to reject me and move on."

"Who would fall in love with someone who hurts people for a living?"

"I will always have your back, whether you like it or not."

Every word he had said in the past few months whirled in front of my eyes and circled our bodies, gaining momentum and gathering the breathtaking memories we had formed in such a short amount of time – images of our kisses, our cuddles, and his sweet gestures flashing in my vision.

"Jaslynn, I didn't mean to blurt it out like that, but I–"

I lunged forward, curled my arms behind his neck, and claimed his lips, cutting him off in the middle of his nervous explanation.

The winds of emotion that wove around me as we kissed almost knocked me off my feet. It had the potential to rip me apart and put me back together all at the same time. It was terrifying, yet exhilarating, and took my heart captive as pieces of it joined the storm and embedded themselves into his chest.

We were truly the definition of a whirlwind romance.

My lips may not have formed the words, but they conveyed the message loud and clear with every moment they molded against his.

And he knew it too.

His lips were curved upward as if he was smiling through the kiss, and I couldn't help but giggle softly as our heads tilted to the other side in unison.

Neither one of us were trying to take control or dominate the other. It was slow and sweet, and the taste of him was better than any fine wine. His tongue inched its way into my mouth, and my hands tightened on his collar from the sensations he created with just a kiss.

Then, I pulled my mouth away abruptly, panting heavily as he stared down at me with the same mixture of lust and affection I held in my eyes.

He exhaled deeply and bumped his forehead against mine, "Yeah, I completely forgot what I was going to say."

"I love you."


I rolled my eyes in amusement, "I said I love you."

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