Bonus Chapter #2: Aleksei & Yerik

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I'm posting this one first because I'm saving Alrik being Dad of the Year for Christmas and the birth of the pups for my birthday (Dec. 28th).



"Alright, mama. I'll see you in a few weeks. Be safe."

I could hear her sigh on the other end, "I wish you and Alrik would just–"

"Sorry mama, I have to end the call. Love you."

I stabbed the end-call button on the steering wheel before she could reply and furrowed my eyebrows. My mother always tried to bring him up every time she flew over to visit his pack, and the conversation always ended awkwardly. She had to understand that I was not going to speak to or of him until he made the first move.

A dull ache filled my chest at the thought of how long that would take.

Moving to Russia was the best thing I could do for our relationship, and I had no regrets.  I was making a name for myself as the Alpha of the Silver-Claw Shadows here.  (A/N: I know the pack names are weird, but blame the brothers, not me 😂.) 

I glanced at the clock and listened to my stomach growl like a wild animal in the silence of my car. It was only noon, and I had breakfast an hour ago, but my stomach was rumbling like I hadn't eaten in days.

With an annoyed grunt, I pulled off the main road and drove down the side street to find some place to eat, which did not take long at all. The first place that caught my eye was an orange building with bright cursive letters and a pie and a cupcake hung above the door on either side of the name.

For Goodness' Bakes.

My lips twitched into a smile at the little pun, and I hurried into the bakery with an odd sensation in my stomach – probably another sign of how hungry I was.

The moment I flung the door open, a bell chimed to announce my entrance, and a tall blonde she-wolf rushed from the kitchen to greet me at the counter.

"Hello there," her eyes widened as she looked me up and down, "You're new."

I recognized the glint of lust in her eyes and cringed internally. She was far too young for me to even consider entertaining.

"Alpha Aleksei of the Silver-Claw Shadows," I introduced myself politely, holding my hand out and staring her down so she would take the hint.

Her mouth formed an 'O', and her cheeks turned a light shade of pink as she shook my hand, "Pardon, Alpha Aleksei. Welcome to our pack. My name is Yasmine, and it is an honor to be able to serve you today. What would you like to order?"

"What do you recommend?"

"Everything. My brother and mother are wonderful bakers. We haven't heard a single complaint about any of our desserts. Our bundt cakes–"

As she continued her advertisement, my eyes were drawn to the door behind her that swung open as an enormous man hunched over his tray to fit through the frame. I could only see the top of his head that was bent over the fresh eclairs he had begun placing in the glass display. 

My eyes traced his broad shoulders and muscled chest that strained against his shirt and apron as he moved. His arms were covered with black tattoos that each seemed to tell their own story.

"So what would you like to try?"

I blinked and returned my attention to the eager she-wolf in front of me. She started at me expectantly as if she thought I had really listened to her ramble about the different desserts they had to offer when the only dessert I wanted was kneeling behind her, "I would like two eclairs please."

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