Chapter 26

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My heart was pounding faster than the pace my paws thumped the grass.

The way she jumped into his arms. The way they looked at each other. The way he held her so tight it seemed like she would disappear and become one with him.

With every moment I stood in their presence, my vision tinged with crimson. I had to walk away. 

I didn't like being jealous. It made me want to rip something apart– the something preferably being the source of my misery.

The animalistic part of me wanted to go up to Dario and break his perfect aristocratic nose that some of the maids were giggling about. The other part of me wanted to throttle him and interrogate him about what his relationship with Jaslynn was.

He called her his angel. What man would call a woman an angel if he didn't have any sort of feelings for her? 

I let out a growl and turned around, sprinting back toward the Minister's house.

There was only one way to end this dilemma.



I opened the door to the bathroom, letting all the steam from my shower escape. My fingers tightened around my towel as I made my way to the bed to sort through the clothes Helene left me. 

After I picked my outfit, I loosened my grip to drop the towel and start getting dressed when cold breath hit my neck, "Jaslynn."

I shrieked and spun around, nearly slapping Alrik in the face with my wet hair. His hands curled around my waist and held me upright as my feet slipped on the wood flooring, and I clung to his biceps, causing the towel to drop to the floor.

"Okay, the first time, it was an accident. But for this to happen a second time? I think you're just trying to catch me naked now," I joked, trying to ignore how wonderful it was to be held against his bare chest.

He was dressed in just a pair of basketball shorts, and his hair was damp and messy as if he had gotten out of the shower and had ran his fingers through it several times. 

He grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me, making sure not to look down, "Perhaps you need to learn how to hold onto your towel and not get startled so easily."

"Well, I wasn't exactly expecting you to walk in,"  I stated, taking the cloth from his hands, "Is there a reason why you couldn't knock or wait until I was dressed?"

He silently studied my face as if contemplating whether or not to say something. It appeared as though something was bugging him, and I could see the tension in his posture.

"Alrik?" I asked softly.

No reply.

I stared at him worriedly, "Is something wrong? Did anything happen at your p–"

He leaned over and pulled me into a hug.

My eyes widened in surprise as he buried his face in my neck, his lips against my mark and his hair tickling my cheekbone. I heard him release a tired sigh which prompted me to put my arms around his neck and shoulders and hug him back.

The smell of his soap and his natural scent filled my nostrils, and I let out my own sigh, enjoying the warmth he emitted and how comfortable it was to be in his strong embrace.

"Did you know hugging releases oxytocins?" Alrik asked quietly, lifting his head so his mouth was brushing my ear, "It's the reason why we feel warm and cherished afterward. It promotes feelings of trust and nurture."

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