Chapter 24

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⚠️ Warning: This chapter gets gruesome so if you don't like blood and violence skip to the stars *** 


I was hungry for the blood of this insolent woman. 

She attempted to kill me, which was not out of the ordinary, but then she was almost successful in murdering Jaslynn. If I had not returned to the camp when I had, I could have been mateless.

When we entered the empty cabin, I flicked the light on and grabbed a wooden chair before dropping Ester on it.

"Hand me that bird. Tie her up," I demanded, brushing my hands free of the dirt from her clothes. Reece handed me the seagull carefully, but I grabbed him by his leg so he was hanging upside down.

She knew better than to question my actions as I pulled the arrow out of his wing nonchalantly, causing a little waterfall of blood to splatter on the floor.

He let out a weak squawk, and I lifted him higher in the air, "I recommend you shift back to your original form or I will force your shift by breaking every one of your fucking bones until you beg me to put an end to your worthless life."

The promise behind my words scared him, and the form of the seagull slowly morphed into that of a grown man who might have been in his late forties or early fifties. His face was red from the blood rushing to his head, and he whimpered in pain as the arm that was shot started to bleed again.

I rolled my eyes and flung him against the wall so he landed on the floor with a large thump and a soft moan, "Pathetic."

I glared at the older man as he continued to whimper and grab his arm before I turned and watched Reece rummage through her backpack.

"I have essential oils in here somewhere," she muttered, "They should wake her up immedia–found it!"

Her hand emerged from the bag with a little glass bottle, and she kneeled before Ester as she fiddled with the stopper. The moment it was out, she placed the opening near Ester's nose, and almost instantaneously, Ester's eyes snapped open.

We watched her sputter and cough dramatically before I had enough of her antics and slapped her right across her face, causing her dentures to fly out of her mouth.

I guess witches didn't have spells to keep their teeth intact or she never bothered to use them.

"You," she spat, looking me up and down with disgust, "You are no man. How dare you slap a woman?"

My wolf was itching to rip her apart and end her right there, but I wanted the satisfaction of watching every moment of her demise.

"Evil has no gender," I replied through gritted teeth, "So I don't care if you identify as a man or a woman because you are still an abomination to your kind."

She cackled, her eyes the epitome of madness, "You act as if you aren't a monster yourself. Everyone knows about the infamous Alpha Alrik who–"

Reece backhanded her, cutting off her amusement. 

I crouched in front of Ester so we were eye level and gestured to Reece to hand me my weapon, "The rumors aren't wrong. If you betray my trust or go against my rules,  I'll make sure your worst nightmares come true. There are no second chances with me. So speaking about second chances," 

Reece handed me my favorite hunting knife, and I picked up one of Ester's hands, "The more you cooperate, the more fingers you keep."

"You won't get anything from me," she spit in my face. 

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