Chapter 14

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This lovely cover was made by Nette_2000 . Thank you, love!

I changed my username by the way! It's now PebbleQueen.


Two days. 

It had been two days since we left the dock, two days since we buried the boy, and two days since Reece refused to speak to anyone.

She was sitting on the deck, her back against the side of the ship, and staring up at the stars with a dazed look on her face. There were dried trails of tears on her cheeks that she hadn't bothered to wipe away.

I could not imagine the amount of pain she was in. From what I had been told, her wolf was breaking down because of the loss of her mate, and it was going to be a battle to get her out of this heartbreaking turmoil.

I sat down in front of her and gently pushed a tray of food toward her. She did not move a muscle as I stared.

"Reece," I said softly, "You haven't eaten in two days. Please try eating a little. This isn't healthy."


I sighed and stood up, "I'll leave this here in case you want to eat anything."

As I turned and started walking back to the cabin, there was a low croak from behind me causing me to spin around in shock.

"You killed him."

My lips parted, but I had nothing to say to her because it was true– I had killed her mate, even if it was unknowingly.

Her head turned to the side so I could see the angry tears that flowed from her red-veined eyes, "How could you kill him?"

I stayed silent as she stood up unsteadily, gripping the rail. 

"You–you could have chosen any other spell, but you picked–you picked that one," she hiccuped, choking on her tears.

My heart was breaking for her. I was well aware that I wasn't at fault, but a part of me still felt guilty for the heartache she was experiencing. It was tearing her apart and driving her insane, and she had kept it bottled up for two days. It had been only a matter of time before she let her rage come through.

"Reece, I wish I could–"

"Shut up!" She screamed hysterically, flinging the tray at me, causing the components of the sandwich to scatter across the deck.

I managed to step out of the way of the tray as it crashed into the wall of the cabin and shattered to pieces. That seemed to grab everyone's attention because the crew quickly filed out of the cabin to see what was happening. 

Reece fell to the floor, her sobs turning into breathless gasps for air, "H-he's gone. I've waited my whole life for him and he's gone."

My own eyes filled with tears, and I found myself dropping to my knees and wrapping my arms around her as her loud cries continued to echo through the air. Her body was shaking furiously, and her warm tears soaked through my jacket.

I rubbed her back and squeezed my eyes shut, trying not to let any of my own tears out when I felt something furry graze my hand. My eyes fluttered open, and I saw a huge black wolf laying curling up against Reece's side.


After he had settled down, more wolves started to appear in my line of vision. They sat in a semi-circle around Reece, making sure at least one of their paws or snout were touching her. 

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