Chapter 15

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Another stunning cover by reallyreece.

Shorter chapter than normal. Sorry, loves. I need more time for the next chapter.


"Well, she certainly is dominant."

The Moon Goddess chuckled as she swirled her wine in her glass and watched the notorious Alpha get pinned to the floor by his mate. 

Otis and Bertram had done a fabulous job selecting Alpha Alrik's mate. She would have to give them a raise for their hard work.

"I'm surprised he's letting her have control," her mate remarked, circling the large viewing sphere she had made to keep an eye on them.

She tapped her nails on her staff, "I'd like to think he's enjoying it. He's not pushing her off."

Her mate scratched his chin and looked away from the scandalous image in the sphere, "We are intruding on their private moment."

"Perhaps, but I do it all the time. It is part of my duty."

"Your duty is to watch free pörnographic material?"

She rolled her eyes, "It's hardly sexual. They still have their clothes on. But to answer your question, it is part of my duty to make sure mated couples are moving in the right direction."

He raised his eyebrows, "So what do you think of this mated couple? Are they moving in the right direction."

The Moon Goddess sipped her rosé, "Jaslynn is obviously a good match for him. I've noticed a different side of him come out when he's with her. I think finding his mate really brought out his respect for women, especially women in power. "

"But you're not satisfied?"

She hesitated, "The changes I've been waiting to see have not occurred yet. His methods of running his pack and hurting innocent wolves to get what he wants have not changed. Putting Jaslynn by his side was not just for his sake, it was for the sake of all the innocent wolves being tortured under his rule."

"Do you think Jaslynn will stay with him after she sees what he has done?" Her mate asked quietly, turning his attention back to the couple rolling on the floor.

"That is where I come in. The Laws of Nature state that I can't interfere in any wars or battles nor use my powers to control the actions of supernatural beings, but I can try to influence them and hope it turns in my favor."


"It is time I put their trust for each other to the test."


JASLYNN (starting from the end of the last chapter)

Having the upper hand satisfied me beyond belief.

Alrik did not seem to mind that I was almost bruising his lips as I nibbled and sucked and claimed them as mine. He was following my lead and returning the kiss with equal fervor.

Even though the kiss was pleasurable, our position wasn't as much. My knees were burning from scraping the rough carpet several times as I straddled his hips. 

And after we had landed on the floor, I had pinned one of Alrik's hands to the floor with one of my own as I raked the other hand through his hair and pulled at the roots. His free hand was petting my lower back, dangerously close to my ass, and sending shivers up my spine every time he grazed the curve of my back.

He let out a low groan when I dug my hand into his messy strands and massaged his scalp. I smiled against his mouth and let our lips part for a moment so I could breathe.

But Alrik took my moment of weakness to flip us over and slam my back against the floor as his hips involuntarily ground against mine. He grabbed both of my wrists and pinned them above my head with one hand while his other hand curled under my shirt and skimmed my bare skin.

My back arched off the ground, and I gasped against his lips, trying to resist the urge to rip his shirt off in the bridge of the ship where anyone could see us.

His hand was warm against my stomach, and I squirmed beneath him as he aligned his body right on top of mine. A growl rumbled in his chest, and he broke the kiss, leaving me breathless.

His eyes were almost black with pure carnal desire. He was not the composed Alpha he always was, instead, he was disheveled and out of control because I teased him to that point.

He wanted more, and just as he leaned closer to claim my lips for another earthshattering kiss, the power went out.

And a loud howl of wind shook the ship.

What do you think the Moon Goddess is up to? And what about her wishes for Alrik? Good? Bad? And what do you think is her test?


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