Chapter 58

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RECAP (for those who forgot): Jas punished Alrik and left him hanging.

RECAP (for those who forgot): Jas punished Alrik and left him hanging

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⚠️ Mature Content continued⚠️ 

Considering what I was wearing at the moment, I had no choice but to take refuge in the garden shed to avoid flashing the whole pack. And thankfully, it was a tidy area so I was able to settle myself on the wooden table comfortably.

I knew it wouldn't be long before Alrik tore into the shed with the possible intent of murdering me. 

Or murdering my vagina.

My core was still clenching from the aftermath of my orgasm, yearning for the girth that had filled it up momentarily minutes ago. To add to the torment, the memory of his face right before he released all over his chest was continuously replaying in my mind – his eyes begging and devouring what he couldn't touch, his lips swollen from the times he bit back his growls of pleasure, and his eyebrows scrunched together in vexation.

The image was all I needed to create another molten mess in my core and flood the skimpy lace that hardly covered my folds. 

 In the process of torturing him, I had managed to punish myself as well. 

I waited impatiently for minutes, flinching as the sound of a window breaking disrupted the peace of the garden before it was silent once again. 

And much to my dismay, he still had not made his appearance. 

I climbed on top of the table and peered through the narrow window to check, but there was no sign of movement other than the tree branches swaying in the breeze. 

Was he waiting for me to return to the house to kill me? Or was he so angry that he was going to leave me here and go on about his day? I probably should have shown him where I had put the key to the handcuffs. 

With a frustrated huff, I hopped off the table and marched toward the door to raid the house and see what exactly Alrik was doing by himself.

However, as soon as I yanked the door open, I stumbled right into a familiar hard mountain of muscle.

"Going somewhere?" 

My heart was about to leap out of my chest as he towered over me with a livid glare on his face, his eyes burning into mine voraciously.

I swallowed hard and treaded backward just as he took a single step to enter the shed and completely engulf the space with his size. 

And then he kicked the door shut, causing the walls to shudder.

The man standing before me wasn't just a pissed Alrik.

It was a pissed Alpha Alrik.

And at that moment, I should have been terrified, but instead I was weak at my knees and my stomach was in knots from the sudden rush of arousal that overwhelmed my senses. 

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