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The prospective pack warriors were anxious for their next test.

So far they had been put through the gruelling tasks of fierce hand to hand combats, paw to paw combats, treacherous obstacle courses, survival challenges in the middle of nowhere, and a four-hour written exam that made them question whether they should have even graduated elementary school.

They weren't surprised – Alpha Alrik expected the best of the best to be inducted into his regiments – but they were floored by the intensity and how much they were pushed to the extremes.

Which made this final assignment even more daunting.

Beta Conrad entered the room silently, the authority radiating from his stance forced all of them to stand tall and completely motionless. He crossed his arms and trailed his eyes over every warrior as if he was making a mental note.

"We began with one hundred hungry warriors, and only thirty of you have made the cut," he remarked thoughtfully before he narrowed his eyes, "How many of you will remain after today's challenge?"

There was an audible gulp in the room.

Beta Conrad grabbed his clipboard, "Today, Commander Reece will be your test proctor alongside her mate, Commander Leon. So I expect all of you to showcase your strengths to the maximum. Understood?"

"Yes, sir," they chorused as the door swung open.

Commander Reece marched in with her head held high, causing all of them to bow their heads as she had a quiet conversation with Beta Conrad.

Their Beta's face morphed into a small smirk that sent chills up every warrior's spine before the Commander finally addressed them, "Warriors, your last test is going to involve a living creature. Any guesses?"

Micah, the most enthusiastic warrior of them all, threw his hand in the air, "Poisonous snakes?"

"Not quite."

Another hand rose, "Rogue dragons?"

The Commander's face hardened at that, "No, we've had enough experience with rogue dragons to last a lifetime."

The warrior who had voiced the suggestion winced under her glare.

"What about venomous insects?"

"All of you are far from guessing it," she shook her head before glancing at the door, "Leon, bring them in!"

The distinct odour of perspiration was already drifting around the room and tickling their nostrils as if to mock them.

They held their breaths as the door swung open slowly before their beloved Commander Leon entered carrying two living creatures beyond their understanding.


In one arm, he held a rosy-cheeked baby girl with thick black curls and a pair of chocolate doe eyes that could melt the coldest of hearts with just one glance. She was dressed in a little navy blue romper with a matching headband that she patted with her tiny hand as she babbled as if to say it bothered her.

In the other arm, he held a much smaller, chubby-cheeked baby boy with wisps of feathery brown hair that fluttered in the air and the same pair of doe eyes as the girl. However, his gaze was more grumpy and disorientated as though he was upset that he was awoken from a nap. He hugged his penguin stuffie close as he stared at the crowd of warriors like he was their king and they were his peasants.

"Pups," Reece stated, cutting through the tense silence, "The challenge may seem odd, but pups are a symbol of innocence and purity."

She met their stunned expression with a solemn one of her own, "The perfect bait. I have seen warriors be lured into a trap by a seemingly lost or injured pup."

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