Chapter 30

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The moment we stepped outside, the cool evening breeze tickled my cheeks, and I tucked my hands into the pocket of my sweatshirt to try to keep warm.

Reece glanced at me and shook her head amusedly, "I'm glad werewolves don't get cold easily."

"Must be nice," I muttered as I followed her down the porch steps. She smirked at my sour tone and pointed in the direction we were walking, "I'm going to introduce you to Beta Conrad first. He's at the training grounds working with the pack warriors."

I nodded and studied all the busy wolves bustling around to get whatever chores they had done before sunset, "So the pack name, Venom Prowlers, how did it come about?" I asked curiously.

Reece sighed, "Has Alrik told you about his brother?"

"He said he had an older brother, but he didn't go into detail."

"Well, it's not a big secret. Everyone knows what happened, unfortunately," Reece said quietly, pursing her lips, "Alrik's older brother is named Aleksei. He is the Alpha to the Silver-Claw Shadows in Russia."

"Such welcoming names," I mumbled sarcastically, causing her to snort, "The Kuznetsov brothers would never admit it, but they do think the same way when it comes to certain concepts like a pack name. They believe the name is important for the pack's image, which is true. No one would take us seriously if we were called the Moonshine Pack or something equally dainty."


"Aleksei's pack was the original pack before the split, meaning it was the one Alrik's father had led. Alrik was supposed to be his Beta, but he had very strong opinions about the way Aleksei should control his pack. Aleksei disagreed, and they had a huge argument that ultimately led to the split of the pack. Aleksei took half of the pack back to Russia, leaving Alrik with the other half to lead here in any way he liked."

"It was that bad of an argument, huh?"

"It was awful. They are both extremely strong Alpha males, and when they are provoked, they tend to get explosive. Before the fight, the tension between the brothers had been building for weeks, and when everything came out, no one could break it up, not even their parents. It was absolutely terrifying and heartbreaking because before Aleksei took the position of Alpha, they were like this," she said, crossing her fingers to show how close the two brothers were.

"I'm assuming they don't talk to each other anymore," I sighed, feeling my heart drop a little even though I never got to see the brothers together.

"It's been decades, and everyone has given up on trying to reunite them," she shook her head sadly, "The funny thing is they still care about each other even if they would hate to admit it. I call Aleksei at least once a month, and he likes to ask me how Alrik is doing, and Alrik will do the same when he finds out I talked to Aleksei."

"So would you say it's their egos that get in the way of their relationship?"

"In a way. I would say the brothers definitely miss the relationship they had, but their ideals are too different for them to get along. One of them would have to give it up before they can ever mend their bond."

Under her breath, Reece muttered, "And I hope it will be Alrik."

As much as I wanted to question her about it, the topic of the brothers was clearly a heavy issue for her so I decided to switch gears to lighten the mood, "So Alrik came up with the pack name?"

"He did, but we go by the Venom Pack to keep it short. The full name is a mouthful. But look! There's Beta Conrad," she pointed to a large, muscular man who was jogging toward us.

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