Bonus Chapter #3

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If anyone told me two years ago that I would have to walk into an Alpha meeting with a pup in each arm, I would have laughed and hung them by their toes for being unprofessional and completely unreasonable

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If anyone told me two years ago that I would have to walk into an Alpha meeting with a pup in each arm, I would have laughed and hung them by their toes for being unprofessional and completely unreasonable.

Like what Alpha would have trouble finding someone to watch his pups for a few hours?

Me, obviously.

Because I was an overprotective father who did not allow random people to pupsit without passing my examination. 

After staring at the conference room door for five minutes to contemplate my situation, I exhaled loudly and looked down at the two little ones in my arms, "Okay, you two, I expect both of you to be on your best behavior. No crying, no diaper explosions, no puking, no chewing on random objects, and mind your manners when someone asks you a question. Understand?"

Mila stopped messing with my tie to babble and slap her palm against my cheek, probably telling me to shove my rules up my ass in pup language, and Felix was too busy with his pacifier to care that I had spoken.

They were turning into mini rebels already. Just my luck.

"Should I be concerned that you're speaking as if they understand?" An amused voice chimed in from behind.

I grunted as Conrad appeared before me, "It was worth a shot. We never know what terrifying idea is cooking in their little noggins. I am ninety percent positive they choose to coordinate their bowel movements with our private time. "

He chuckled and carefully took Felix off my hands, "I don't think you have to worry too much about the meeting. Your pups are pretty well-behaved compared to most, and this shouldn't be long. Worst case scenario, Reece or the pack warrior unit pop in and take them out. She said the raid on the pup trafficking ring went well so they'll be back shortly."

"Pray that it doesn't come down to that," I muttered, grateful for his presence as Felix began fussing.

Conrad had become an extremely close friend over the years, especially once Jaslynn got pregnant. He loaded me with advice and books on parenting and helped me in ways only another father would understand.

"Ready to go in?"

I wiped Felix's drool with the little towel on my shoulder and did the same with Mila before I nodded and led the way into the conference room.

The moment we walked in, the conversations stopped and the other Alphas were up out of their seats, bowing their heads slightly in greeting and staring at Mila and Felix curiously.

"Good afternoon, Alphas. As you can tell, we have two special guests joining us. My Luna had a last minute emergency, and I decided it would be best to bring these two along. Hopefully, this isn't an inconvenience for all of you."

There was a chorus of 'Not at all, Alpha.' and 'It is an honor to have them here.'

"Thank you," I smiled, taking my seat and gesturing for them to do the same, "Perhaps they will pick up a thing or two while they're here. Start them early, as they say."

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