Chapter 52

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"Make sure you eat all your meals

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"Make sure you eat all your meals. You forget if you're too preoccupied with work."

I grunted.

"Don't break something if you get angry."

Another grunt.

"And don't choke anyone else. You can only do that to me."

I was mid-grunt when Jaslynn's words registered in my mind. The smug undertone in her voice made the tips of my ears burn as she knew she caught me off guard with that statement.

There was a quiet snicker behind me, and I whipped around and pinned her to the wall, clasping a hand around her neck just as she wanted. Her eyes widened in surprise as I placed my other hand on the wall just above her head.

"If you're done harassing me with your to-not-do list, let me tell you one thing that will sum up everything I expect from you."

I could feel her throat bob under my hand as she swallowed hard, "Yes?"

"Behave," I rasped, a guttural sound escaping from the back of my throat as I attempted to hold back a growl, "Do not do anything reckless or else those fifteen spankings I gave you will seem like child's play."

"So we've moved into BDSM now? Does that mean I get to flog you?"

Leave it to my little witch to turn this conversation the other direction.

I rested my forehead against hers and muttered, "What am I going to do with you?"

Her lips curved into a sweet smile that made my chest tighten, "How about we make a deal?"

"What kind of deal?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Whoever gets the least amount of injuries, and you know there will be battle wounds" she lifted a finger up to my lips when she saw my protest, "Will get to punish the other person."

My blood was already rushing down south at the punishing visuals forming in my head.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Is the punishment an incentive to get hurt or avoid getting hurt?"

"Avoid getting hurt, of course," she stated in an obvious tone, "For all you know, I could punish you with no sex for a year."

The throbbing in my groin turned into a painful ache, but I knew the pain would be nothing compared to the possibility of Jaslynn getting hurt.

"Well, my left arm will get a workout, won't it? Because there is no way I'm letting you lose this deal," I determined, pecking her lips to seal the deal.

She frowned in response and was about to speak when there was a light knock on the front door to the cabin. I pulled away from her just as Reece cracked the door open to peek inside, "Is it safe to come in?"

"Yeah, we just finished packing, Reece," Jaslynn replied, stepping to the side to pick up her duffel bag. Reece nodded and glanced at me, "We have to leave now. I'll meet you by the car."

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