Chapter 55

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Even though we were in the middle of a world-saving war, Alrik managed to make time to shove me against a tree when the coast was clear after we had taken off from the camp

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Even though we were in the middle of a world-saving war, Alrik managed to make time to shove me against a tree when the coast was clear after we had taken off from the camp. He had effortlessly tossed a rogue aside and forced me into the rough bark as if I was his next prey.

I gazed at him through the strands of hair that had managed to escape my ponytail with curiosity, "You do realize that this isn't the time to salvage your bruised ego?"

His eyes were narrowed on my face as if he was examining it before he brushed the stray hairs to the side and tucked them behind my ear, "I'm furious with you."

"Is this about me using your nightmare against you or calling you weak?"

"What do you think?" He grunted, tracing my hips with his palms as if he was trying to rub away any scent of Aleksei and Yerik on my body.

I rolled my eyes, "That your fury has no grounds. In fact, I should be angry that you nearly got yourself killed. Guess who's being punished once we return home?"

"It's bold of the two of you to assume that you'll be alive to even return home."

Alrik flipped around with a murderous growl and shifted back to his wolf form as Malcolm appeared into our line of vision.

Except he wasn't alone, he had five other wizards on his side, jumping out of trees and forming a circle around us as if they had been waiting for our appearance.

I glanced at all of them with a calm look on my face, not letting them see that their surprise had caught me off guard, "Where were all of you when I was kicking Malcolm's ass and getting rid of the Book of Demonic Magic?"

Malcolm's face hardened momentarily before a disgusting smile replaced his smirk as he studied my figure, "I never got to properly examine that ridiculous piece of armor you're wearing."

The satisfied glint in his moss-colored eyes made me want to crack his skull open against the tree. 

"As someone who has seen you fight in several battles before, I wonder why you suddenly decided to protect yourself for this one specifically," he drawled, running his tongue along his lip, "I wouldn't have hurt you there. Not when you could potentially ditch the mutt and stand by my side to bear my children."

I almost gagged at the thought and clenched the staff until the grooves left imprints on my palm while Alrik bared his teeth, pawing the ground as a warning.

"Which leads me to believe that you're pregnant with that mutt's child."

He stepped forward, his eyes trained on my abdomen, "And we can't have that."

The snarl that left Alrik's muzzle was enough to make me want to shiver, but he never had the chance to pounce because I flung Malcolm into a tree with a flick of my wrist, causing him to slide down the trunk with a groan.

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