Chapter 6

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I rushed back to my room as soon as the Minister adjourned the meeting. If no one was going to help me, I had to go back to the coven so I could get ready to start the search myself. 

After sending Meredith a quick text about leaving, I yanked my duffel bag out of the corner and stuffed anything I had pulled out, back in.

However, a knock on the door distracted me from my task.

"Come in," I yelled as I headed into the bathroom to check if I had packed everything.  When I turned around, I ran right into a solid chest.

"What the–"  

My head shot up, and I pursed my lips, walking around the wolf who had followed me into the bathroom.


The way he growled my name sent a shiver up my spine and caused the hair on the back of my neck to rise. I only had the mate bond to blame for the reaction I had to him and his rough voice.

"Yes, Alrik?"

I waited for him to snap at me for using his first name without his title, but he ignored it and started talking, "Jaslynn, we need to talk."

"I'm listening, Alrik. I know how to multitask," I smiled sweetly which made him frown.

"I wanted to make sure you were aware that you must come to my pack with me."

I paused.

Go to his pack? With him? After he said 'nay'?

With an eyebrow raised, I looked over my shoulder to see him standing with his arms crossed, his biceps bulging other the expensive material of his shirt.

"Give me one good reason why I should go with you."

He stared at me blankly, "Because you have an obligation as my mate–"

I dropped the shirt I was folding on the bed and turned around completely, "You expect me to fulfill my 'obligation as a mate' when you haven't completed yours?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"You really don't get it, do you, Alrik? If I am your mate, you are my mate too. I expect you to return the same commitment that I am supposed to give you. Ten minutes ago, you sat in that conference room and said you wouldn't help me. Now, you expect me to come and do whatever being your mate entails. I don't think that's how this works." 

His eyebrows furrowed, "So what do you want to do?"

"Right now, I want to go back to my coven because I have to prepare for this hunt. When you are ready to discuss our relationship and how we can make it fair for both of us, you can come find me," I said, zipping up my duffel bag.

He was silent as I put the bag on my shoulder and checked my phone for a reply from Meredith. When I saw that she said she was already waiting for me by the car, I slipped my shoes on and directed my attention back to my supposed mate.

"Goodbye, Alrik."



My blood was boiling the whole flight back to my pack.

No one has ever said rejected me like she did.  She did not fear me at all, instead, she stood up to me and let me knew exactly how she felt.

I didn't mind that Jaslynn was confident around me. My mother never feared my father, and I could not have a woman who was afraid of me lead the werewolves by my side. I needed her to give her input on important decisions.

Unfortunately for me, her input today was that she refused to come with me. So I would have to figure out a different way to bring her to me.

I knew the hunt for the book was important to her. However, she did not realize how impossible the task was. It would take time, money, and resources that could be put into use for other things.

It made more sense to wait until this Malcolm idiot found the book and then attack him.

War was inevitable, after all. 

Based on what Jaslynn had said, this man wanted the book at all costs. Even if she found it before he did, she would have to fight to protect it until she destroyed it.

"Alpha, I have the background check you asked me for."

I glanced at Conrad for a moment and grabbed the manila folder from his hands, "Does this have everything?"

"Yes, Alpha. But as your Beta, may I give you some advice?"

I grunted and opened the file.

Conrad was a good wolf. He never complained when I gave him work to do, and he handled all his tasks diligently. However, offering me advice was out of character for him.  

"As someone who has a mate, I would not recommend you read that file. If she ever finds out that you ran this background check on her, she'll feel offended by the invasion of privacy and your lack of trust in her. I would talk to her to find out information rather than do it behind her back, Alpha."

I studied his face. He spoke confidently, almost too confidently.

"You speak from experience," I stated, not even bothering to question him.

His face flushed, and he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, "Yes, I do."

I closed the folder and handed it back to him, "Then, I'll take your advice, Conrad. Shred it."

He gave me a little smile, "As you wish, Alpha. Also, Commander Reece has asked that you call her back."

I grunted again.

He walked back to his seat, and I opened up my laptop so I could Skype that relentless commander of mine. 

"ALRIK KUZNETSOV," she shrieked as soon she accepted my call, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?"

My gaze landed on Conrad, who was looking in every direction except mine.

"You let her walk away? You told her you wouldn't help her? How is any girl supposed to accept her mate after that? Grow a pair of balls and go after her! She's doing something that will benefit the world!"

"Commander, the wifi is not working properly. I have to end the call."

I could almost hear her roll her eyes, "Yeah, yeah. You know, you can run, but you can't hide. Your mom is he–"

I ended the call before she finished her sentence and stared at the dark screen in a stunned silence.

Did she say my mother was there? How did she even–


I'm just getting more and more excited. We are finally heading into more drama and lectures. But what do you think will happen between Jas and Alrik?


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